Anath Character in Theras | World Anvil


Anath is the goddess of animals, unicorns, phoenixes and is right hand of Ehlonna. In addition, she is also the deity of 'awakened' animals and intelligent ones.   In Keatian Hinterlands, Anath was considered a goddess of great importance, until the Keatisian Civil War, where her main worship came to be The Great State of High-Star.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Church of Anath shuns rigid structures and grand temples. While some entire species, like unicorns, pegasi, and talking owls, revere Anath as their queen, most followers are outcasts from their own kind due to their unique abilities – often those awakened by magic. Clerics of Anath dedicate themselves to aiding the downtrodden, offering solace to the weary, and empowering dreamers to achieve their aspirations. They are swift to intervene and rescue those in peril, no matter the threat. These clerics rarely settle into a single role for long (though they are highly skilled at completing tasks). Most are periodically struck by wanderlust, leading many to become adventurers. These wandering devotees travel Theras, seeking to rectify injustice, discovering new wonders, and constantly striving for self-improvement. Their chosen profession becomes a canvas for a fulfilling life filled with joy, exploration, and personal growth.  
Priestly Vestments
Upon dedicating themselves to Anath, priestesses experience a remarkable transformation. Their eyes shift to a mesmerizing shade of deep blue or purple. They adorn themselves in simple white robes of cotton, linen, or silk, woven with threads of pure silver that often form intricate patterns of Anath's symbol. Most wear their hair long and flowing, dyed a striking silver or bleached white. Whispers abound that this is not merely a stylistic choice, but a physical manifestation of their divine calling.   When venturing out on quests, Anath's clergy favor relatively light armor. Gleaming silver chain mail (or elven chain mail for the truly fortunate) is a common sight, paired with a mirror-polished shield that reflects their surroundings. Their weapons of choice are a trusty lance and a longsword, ready for any confrontation. These champions are known as the "Lady Knights of the Navy Phoenix", renowned for their martial prowess that rivals even the famed defenders of The Great State of High-Star. Their shining silver attire further amplifies their imposing presence.    
The Unbound Fellowship of Anath rejects rigid structures and grand temples, mirroring the goddess' own free spirit. There are no formal ranks within the Fellowship, but rather a deep sense of camaraderie and shared purpose.   New devotees are welcomed as Starlight Novices, embarking on their journeys with guidance from seasoned members. Experienced followers are known as Horned-Champions, their wisdom and skills honed through trials and adventures. Those fortunate enough to have ridden a unicorn earn the revered title of Unicorn Riders, forever bound to these magical steeds. However, there are more who are considered fortunate, that are called Phoenix RIders and are often found in Amon-Thal, as many Phoenixes can be found there.  
Anath's reverence echoes through sylvan glades and moonlit glens, wherever unicorns tread with their shimmering hooves. Grand temples hold no allure for her followers. Instead, they choose to worship her under the open sky, in sacred natural sites and ancient groves pulsating with primal magic. These locations serve as her true sanctuaries.    
Clerics of Lurue pray for their spells at midnight, in a sylvan glen or moonlit glade if available.

Tenets of Faith

The Dogma of Anath
  • Let laughter be your compass, guiding you through moonlit glades and sun-dappled forests. Life is a fleeting song, meant to be sung with gusto and a heart full of joy. Pursue dreams as elusive as the unicorn, for in the chase lies the greatest wonder.
  • The downtrodden, the lost, and the forsaken – these are your kin. Offer them the unwavering shield of the unicorn, a beacon of hope that pierces the bleakest despair. Let kindness be your rapier, wit your shield, and merriment your unwavering battle cry.
  • Embrace the exquisite chaos of existence! Take quests on a dare, offer gifts on a whim, and celebrate the magnificent peculiarity of every soul you encounter. For within each being lies a spark, a potential for greatness waiting to be kindled.
  • Never let shadows dim your spirit. Laughter is the flame that melts away all darkness. Seek the unicorn, not just in the flesh, but in the spirit of boundless joy, unwavering optimism, and the relentless pursuit of the impossible dream. In that pursuit, you will find not just the mythical beast, but the greatest treasure of all – your own unwavering happiness.


The Equestrian Revel
The Equestrian Revel explodes with a night-long festival of unrestrained joy in Midsummer's Eve. Imagine wild chases through meadows and moonlit skies, punctuated by theatrical skits, witty speeches, and playful duels. Grand singalongs erupt spontaneously, uniting celebrants in joyous harmony. This is a night of love and laughter, where many unicorns find their eternal companions.  
The Vigil of Remembrance
The Vigil of Remembrance ushers in winter with a somber yet beautiful ceremony. It's a time to remember those who have passed on, honoring their memory through quiet reflection and artistic expression. Breathtaking works of art and stirring epics are unveiled during this time, particularly in the majestic city of High Star, which also commemorates its founding on this solemn day. The gentle hush of the Vigil stands in stark contrast to the exuberant revelry of the Equestrian Revel, showcasing the full spectrum of emotions embraced by Anath's followers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anath is the divine daughter and protegy of Lune. There are many records in Menedynn ruins, that mention Anath  

Myths and Legends

Said to be the daughter of Lune, Lurue serves Ehlonna as ally, friend, and steed, and sometimes Silvanus. She works closely with Cedelia, has a lng-standing alliance with Safwah, and considers Thea a friend. The Unicorn Queen is an ardent foe of Menas the Beastlord, whom she blames for helping the Dark Rune Wizards of Sofel create black unicorns. Menas, in turn, would be more than happy to tear out her throat, considering her a prize creature to be hunted.

Personality Characteristics


Driven by an insatiable wanderlust, Anath possesses a playful and unpredictable nature. However, her loyalty is ironclad for those who earn her trust. When faced with adversity, she stands unflinchingly beside her followers. While a fierce adversary in combat, Anath's true passion lies in witty exchanges, clever riddles, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge and experience. The exploration of life's boundless wonders brings her the most joy.
The Unicorn;
The Unicorn Queen;
The Navy Phoenix;
The Queen of Talking Beasts;
The Blue Huntress;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Talking beasts, intelligent no humanoid creatures, Survival, Animal Life, Hunting, Rebirth, Water, Passion, Druids, Nature, Phoenixes, Unicorns
Animals, Chaos (Protean, Revelry, Whimsy), Good (Agathion, Friendship), Healing (Ostara), Liberation (Freedom), Serpent
Silver-horned unicorn head adorned before a blue Phoenix
Druids, entertainers, outcasts, rangers, travelers, unicorn riders
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
A unicorn horn (shortspear)
Holy Days


The Knights of the Unicorn began as a romantic, whimsical group of high-born adventurers from The Grand Duchy of Albiril who roam across the coasts of the North seeking excitement and adventure wherever they wandered. After several adventures, senior members founded the Order of the Unicorn, vowing to seek adventure and right any wrongs they discover.


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