Silvanus Character in Theras | World Anvil

Silvanus (sihl-vann-us)

Silvanus was once revered as the deity of nature before being succeeded by Ehlonna.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The influence of the Silvanus church extends far and wide, particularly across the old territories of Menedynn and prominently in the northern regions of Epeoris, where its strength surpasses common perception. However, outsiders often misinterpret the church's stance, viewing Thea's followers, who champion agriculture, as supportive of civilization's expansion, while perceiving Silvanus's clergy as staunch opponents of settlement. In reality, neither assessment is accurate.   The SilvanIte church's main goal is to preserve nature's delicate Balance, combating threats posed by overhunting and farming. Clergy members clandestinely guide development and regulate wildlife populations, discreetly supporting brigands and strategically placing predators. Secrecy is vital to maintain the perception of benevolence. Open activities like wildlife rehabilitation and tree planting bolster this image and restore Balance.   Silvanite clergy study Theras's life cycles, planning for the future to avoid disrupting the Balance. With unmatched patience and ecological insight, they anticipate and outmaneuver opponents, securing victories that extend beyond battles.  
Clerics and druids of Silvanus prepare spells at sundown or in moonlight.   Many worship rituals to Silvanus occur in crown stands or atop tall, ancient trees on hills. Sacrifice is a key aspect, but not through bloodshed. Instead, objects made from wood, like carts or chairs crafted from felled trees, are ceremonially broken and buried. A simple prayer, the Call of Oak, Ash, and Thorn, involves gathering leaves of these trees, floating them on water, and invoking Silvanus. For deeper concerns or requests for divine favors, a Vigil is often observed: The worshiper anoints themselves with a mixture of crushed acorns and mistletoe leaves, lies near a growing tree for a night, with bare flesh touching green moss for a connection with nature.

Tenets of Faith

Dogma of Silvanus
Silvanus perceives and harmonizes all, governing the ebb and flow of wild forces like water, drought, fire, and ice, as well as the cycles of life and death. Maintain a discerning distance, embracing a comprehensive understanding rather than adhering to popular notions of what is best. Embrace the elegant balance inherent in all things. It is the devout's responsibility to grasp this equilibrium and safeguard it from disruption. Enlighten others about the Balance and oppose those who seek to disturb it. Observe, foresee, and subtly influence events. Reserve violence and direct confrontation for urgent situations or when faced with hostility. Stand against deforestation, combat disease wherever it arises, protect trees, and promote the growth of new flora. Seek out, serve, and ally with dryads, learning their names and fostering harmony. Use lethal force sparingly, combat fire and its instigators, and remain vigilant against threats like orcs who wield axes in the forest.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Similar to Oghma, Silvanus is an ancient deity with extensive connections to other planes. He maintains a close alliance with Thea and was once directly and indirectly served by Ehlonna, Soryna, Lurue, and Cedelia. He vehemently opposes the actions of Menas and his followers, as the Beastlord's insatiable bloodlust would lead to the extinction of every creature if permitted. Additionally, while Silvanus acknowledges the role of disease and natural disasters in maintaining balance, he harbors deep animosity toward Talos and Ella'li, as both disregard the natural order and seek only to indulge their destructive tendencies.   Silvanus was destroyed in Dissolving of the woods event in Albiril. Silvanus has come back to existence in the Menedynn regions of Rakion and the Hantzu Pantheism in Epeoris in 1,048 AB, esstentialy becoming an Aspect of Imon in the process.

Personality Characteristics


Though possessing wisdom and generosity, the paternalistic nature of Silvanus often leads to emotional detachment, particularly concerning the imperative of maintaining a harmonious balance in nature. He exhibits wrath towards those who jeopardize the sanctity of wilderness areas. His visage typically manifests as that of an aged, bearded, remarkably sagacious Human, hovering amidst trees or emerging from the trunk of an ancient, towering specimen.   His primary focus lies squarely on the realm of nature, particularly its untamed aspects, embracing both its serene beauty and untamed ferocity. Showing scant regard for maintaining harmony with civilization, he displays wrath towards any who dare to encroach upon the sanctity of wilderness areas. Mortal affairs and the intrigues of other deities hold little interest for him.   In his stewardship of nature, Silvanus places great emphasis on preserving the delicate equilibrium between growth and decay, abundance and scarcity, heat and cold—the fundamental cycles of life. This unwavering commitment to the natural order is viewed as his guiding principle, albeit one that often distances him emotionally. While some may perceive him as aloof or unfeeling, he holds a profound reverence for all forms of life.   He harbors a particular animosity towards those who wield fire recklessly, whether through negligence or with malicious intent to sow destruction.
Oak Father;
The Forest Father;
Elderwood Guardian;
Green Father;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Wild nature, druids
Animal, Plant, Protection, Water
Green living oak leaf
Druids, woodsmen, wood elves
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“The Great Mallet of Silvanus” (maul)
Holy Days


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