Lindir Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


The Lindir people are the most ancient human culture that orginated in Theras. Those people still kept their traditions in the land of Lindar, named after their glorious leader Lindmor, the High-Arch Druid. Those people very much traveled many miles to the north to escape the Narsilians, Elven, Dwarven and of course, the dragonborn empires that hunted them down after the fall of Menedynn.   The LindirLindir are people who live by druidic traditions that they held. The Lindir people are by nature reclusive and live on Primal magic at most, while sorcerer who holds the arcane is considered a curse in the family and a shame for its entire bloodline.   The Lindir people are speaking Lindish, which is very close to druidic, the secret langauge. Most druids of the world consider this blasphemy, however the druids of Lindar consider this a blessing. Nowdays, even the druids of Lindar don't teach Druidic to the people of Lindar as they feel the need for this secret langauge.   It should be noted that the Lindish harbor great hatred for the Neomen and the Neo-Menedynns of Bafigron.
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