Corvus Tenebrarum Item in Theras | World Anvil

Corvus Tenebrarum

The Corvus Tenebrarum is a battle standard carried by House Khar made from the desecrated Panoply of Saint Verona.


The Corvus is a cry of defiance and a clear provocation against members of the Kadian Dominion and the Andorian Church, whose presence on the battlefield has a severe demoralizing effect on soldiers of the Might of the Holy Pact.  

Relations with Undeads

Interestingly, no undead have been raised, either through the efforts of casual "small-time" necromancers or by "natural" means where the prevailing conditions typically result in reanimation. A report from the inquisition highlights that even when ghouls were present on the battlefield, no additional corpses manifested as undead.
Item type
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization


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