Panoply of Saint Verona Item in Theras | World Anvil

Panoply of Saint Verona

The Panoply of Saint Verona was a golden suit of armor worn by saint Verona in the ceremonial inauguration of the Basilica of Saint Agustin. It was carried as a relic by the Might of the Holy Pact until it was captured and refashioned into the Corvus Tenebrarum.
An affront to The Four; The desecration of a most sacred relic; The besmirchment of our glorious past. We shall see them erased.


During the Kadian Invasion of Rakion, the panoply was captured by House Khar. House members smelted the armor, remolded it into the shape of a raven, and blackened it completely; this was then reused as a battle standard known as the Corvus Tenebrarum. This act of sacrilage infuriated the Kadian Dominion and the Andorian Church, as according to the church's canon the mere mentioning of the Raven Queen is heretical, let alone smelting a sanctified relic and refashioning it into a symbol of her worship.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Creation Date
251 AB
Destruction Date
Ernius 1051 AB
Current Location


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