House Khar Organization in Theras | World Anvil

House Khar

House Khar, the Pegasi, they were generally the descendants of Balikhanite, and they held the southernmost lands of the kingdom of Octoland. While they hold no riches, they are the most politically influential house as they are the head of the states, the Patriarch of Gold, while having huge debts to the house Of Rhanil. The Pegasus is the symbol of these house, as they had a family of Pegasus coming with them and accompanying the royal family ever since. The Khars generally worshiped Kord, Shah, Silvanus, She'eros and Kossuth.   It should be noted that Khar had the royal army and was considered the second most powerful military in Octoland.   The Old Kyth Order had its headquarters in Exinlua and from there, the Patriarch of Gold, ruled the kingdoms, with this ring of spies.  

Ours is the Might

700 - 1051

Geopolitical, Great house
Leader Title
Official State Religion
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