Kadian Dominion Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Kadian Dominion

Note: due to the ongoing Kadian Invasion of Rakion, this article is subject to changes.  
The Kadian Dominion, officialy the Sancta Foedus de Lacum Kadia, often stylized as S.F.L.K or SFLK, is a confederation of polities in southern Epeoris and eastern Rakion. Though the number of historic kingdoms under the dominion varies, it is currently comprised of three: the Kingdom of Ader, the Kingdom of Navara, and the Kingdom of Saltis. The dominion is theocratic to varying degrees, from the Saltisian army holding mandatory religious ceremonies up to the entire legal system of Ader being operated by members of the clergy. Over 89% of all members of the Andorian Church and approximately 53% of followers of the Andorian Pantheon live within the SFLK.


The dominion is ruled by a council comprised of a representative from each kingdom and the Divine Legate. While the latter does not partake in votes, but rather sets the general agenda for the dominion, he is the only one with the right to veto a notion. Prior to Kairoz's return, the Sovereign of Ader was seen as a "first among equals" within the council by virtue of the Andorian Dynasty's lineage starting with Kairoz.   Kingdoms in the dominion are considered full members, and have a right to vote on all manners in the council and to propose notions. Arch-Duchies and principalities maintain sovereignity and may be present as spectators in the council, propose a notion, but are not granted a right to vote; however, they maintain the right to petition to the divine legate on manners that affect them, which may or may not result with the divine legate decreeing their proposal without a vote.


The SFLK is intercontinental, confederating polities in both Epeoris and Rakion. The name implies, the SFLK originates in Lake Kadia, Epeoris, and encompasses the entirity of the lands south of the Amadal Ridge, with some control over the Kaviri Highlands; it also controls all of the Korsian Islands.   As of 1051, the SFLK also rules Nova Terra, formerly known as Octoland, though said control is still contested by remnants of the former rulers.

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