Demesne of Fyolelyn Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Demesne of Fyolelyn

The Demesne of Fyolelyn was an elven demesne in Epeoris. Centered around the grand city of Fyolelyn within the depths of the South Forest, in the area currently known as the Green Crest. Fyolelyn was the last elven kingdom in Epeoris that was devestated by Agustin Andor, Envoy of Rhaan during The Elder's War, marking the end of elven power in the continent.


Fyolelyn was the last elven demesne not sacked by the armies of Agustin Andor, protected by the South Forest; over a period of three years, the humans deforested it, hewing the trees and burning the foliage. Eventually, the grand city itself was exposed, covered in soot and with thousands of elves that choked to death on the smoke. After less than a year of siege, the city walls were toppled and an indiscriminate massacre followed, which culminated with the city being completely and utterly razed, leaving no sign that might allude to it ever existing.

~8,000 BB - 334 BB

Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Related Species
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