Demesne of Teolelyn Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Demesne of Teolelyn

The Demesne of Teolelyn was an elven demesne in Epeoris. Centered around the grand city of Teolelyn at the outskirts of the South Forest, in the area currently known as the Green Crest.


After the fall of the Demesne of Fybinlyn and the loss of the North Forest, the elven demesnes correctly predicted the Demesne of Fyolelyn to be Agustin Andor's next target. A premonition granted to Agustin by Talador revealed this to him, and he hastily changed his course of action; he will have a small portion of his army continue fighting, while its majority would move along the western bank of Lake Kadia, far enough to be safe from elven eyes. Unprotected and undermanned, the grand city of Teolelyn was suddenly under attack. After an 18 month long siege comprised of several bloodied skirmishes, the city's gates were swung open by a group of elves belonging to a faction wishing the war to end regardless of its victor. Though the city was pillaged and razed, its populace was spared; rather than a massacre, their fate was subjugation or exile. Most of the exiles would eventually settle Grausur and become known as the Grey Elves. All members of the faction who opened the gates for Agustin and his army were hanged for their treachery, with Him stating that he cannot suffer such evils to live.

~8,000 BB - 337 BB

Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Neighboring Nations
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