Division, PA Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil

Division, PA

A Division of the Pearlwing Armada, is commanded by Rear Admiral.   Every Squadron is consisting 4 Flotillas, along with 2 Arasilian Frigates, 1 Arasilian Galleon, 2 Arasilian Caravels and 1 Onwind.  
The first digit of a Task Force designation is that of its parent fleet while the second is sequential. A task force may be made up of groups, each made up of units. Squadron within a force are numbered by an additional digit separated from the TF number by a capital letters. Division within a group are indicated by a uncapitalized letters, while Flotilla is indicated by letter of the Flotilla Admiral.
Led by
Rear Admiral
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation


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