Domidea Character in Theras | World Anvil


Domidea, is the ancient deity that was once worshiped by the Menedynn, and she presides over doorways, portals, and transitions between realms, including the passage from one year to the next. She remains a mysterious figure, revered by planeswalkers and adventurers of the vast expanses of wildspace. Known for her amicable demeanor, she fosters positive relationships with numerous civilized deities, often overseeing their realms during their absence and hosting divine gatherings. Though not officially recognized as such, she is often associated with teleportation due to her governance over doorways.   Domidea gets along well with many gods of travel from other pantheons and has at her disposal several astral devas, whom she could beckon to her aid.  
Divine Realm
Domidea does not possess a fixed divine realm. Instead, she roams the Astral Plane, occasionally journeying into the Ethereal Plane or any of the Inner Planes. Without a designated divine realm, her followers find their place among the stars of her celestial robes, eventually merging with her essence.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Formal worship of Domidea is rare, even among the elves. However, small shrines dedicated to her can be found near almost all elf gates, and her holy symbol is often carved into the lintels of elven doorways, despite her non-Seldarine status.   Domidea draws followers among those who eschew settling in any single plane or crystal sphere, typically attracting scholars, navigators, astronomers, and astrologers. Her presence in the Astral Plane grants her clerics a significant advantage, as their divine magic maintains its potency regardless of their location in the Outer Planes, given the Astral's bordering nature with all of them.  
Their rituals take place beneath the canopy of the night sky, preferably under a starlit expanse. Temples or permanent places of worship are seldom erected, although they have been known to construct resting spots within the Astral Plane for weary travelers. The clergy of Domidea prioritize learning and exploration, often spending extended periods away from home as part of their calling. Proficient in astronomy and navigation, many serve as invaluable members of spelljammer crews.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Domidea is generally depicted in artwork in the form of a pleasant-faced woman adorned in plain gray attire. The most distinctive element of her appearance is the smiling mask she commonly wears on the back of her head.

Special abilities

Domidea possesses access to a wide array of spells akin to those wielded by potent mortal wizards, particularly those related to travel and movement. Additionally, she commands seven unique spell-like abilities: conjuring a shimmering sheet of lights reminiscent of the aurora borealis capable of harming adversaries; summoning a comet; manifesting heat lightning; beckoning a meteor storm; inflicting an intense chill akin to the void of space; emitting a radiant beam of white light akin to a star from her eyes; and generating the deafening roar of thunder. However, she can only employ these powers while not beneath the earth or indoors.   Domidea holds the formidable ability to freely traverse the Astral Plane, allowing her to astrally project into any adjacent plane at her discretion.
The Astral Voyager;
Mistress of Transitions;
The Celestial Hostess;
Gatekeeper of the Planes;
Bearer of the Astral Light;
Cosmic Guide;
The Interstellar Wayfarer;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths
Home Plane
Astral Plane
Subservient Deities
Astronomy, Wanderers, Doors, Transitions, Years
Knowledge, Magic (Arcane, Rites), Protection (Defense, Fortifications, Imbolc), Travel (Exploration, Portal), Void (None)
A Door with two faces countering each other in the middle
Astronomers, sailors, Guides,
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days


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