Separation by Spear Myth in Theras | World Anvil

Separation by Spear

Separation by Spear or the The Separation of the Planes, is a vision, folded to many who are exteremist in their destruction or overzealous in their pursuit for the Greater Good by Ioun.   The Separation by Spear is in many parts a combination of The Myths of the Orcs as told. The Separation is the story of the Gruumsh, who was once a fierce ally of Corellon Larethien and what might people may call Brother.  

The Beginning

The in the Dawn of the Mortal Races, Both Corellon and Gruumsh grew together and tried to solidify the position of the mortal races within the Prime Material, which was connected. It was told that even low casters of the 2nd circles could send themselves to the planes and teleport would have worked via planes.   The Trial of the moon was the first time, that Gruumsh and Luthic are seen with The Seldarine. Though many claim that it is a clear version that Gruumsh and Luthic were in the Seldarine, it is open up to interpretation.   While no elves ever worshipped either of Gruumsh or Luthic, they both were worshipped by a kind of a race of shapeshifter, that were allied with the elves and were somewhat connected both to the Astral – specifically to the dreams there. Other speculate that they were infact two species that worshipped the couple, Shapeshifters for Gruumsh and Kalashtar for Luthic.  

Era of the Dragonborn

The Separation of the Material Planes

During these times, the Dragonborn themselves, had begun hunting down the people of Gruumsh and Luthic, Gruumsh, who cared deeply for his people and was 'chaotic' in his behavior, just as Corellon, begun separating the Three Main Material Planes – with his spear, not as a thrust, but more as a push… That event resulted in the Prime Material Plane, being separated from the Feywild almost completely and created the Shadowfell itself.   This effect itself – separated the soul element of the world and created essentially the positive and negative planes, creating the gods of death and mostly the undeads!   Another consequence of the act of the disconnecting the Positive and Negative Planes, was the distance that Gruumsh had pushed Mechanus and Limbo apart in the Astral.   As it was done, the people of Luthic and Gruumsh were safe, but the deities themselves were furious! Corellon, the brother of Gruumsh, held all the pantheons off, however, the dragons themselves were not satisfied with it, and they had demanded Luthic's people to pay the price in order to fix the elemental planes – therefore, her people were exiled into the astral and helped remand the astral and the fix the four elemental planes.  

Expansion of Abaddon and Distancing

Since the separation of the Negative Energy Plane, Abbadon has expanded and was renamed Hades by Soryna and the gods. This plane had begun being infest with Mezzofiends and the Hebdomad had converged with Moradin, Corellon, Sehanine Moonbow and Helena to push Hades further into the Astral.  

Birth of Ixtaar

Right after this and as Gruumsh was furious as he deemed the consequences of the Dragon deities unworthy, and so he engaged with the Giant Pantheon and helped them facilitate with the divine power that he accumulated , in a joint effort with Stronmaus, they created Ixtaar and solidified the alliance, further aggrevating the draconic pantheon, Morndinsamman and The Seldarine which begun taking shape with seeds of Idols – none to be mentioned today or verified.   The Birth of Ixtaar helped Gruumsh help the people of Gruumsh take shape, the shifters, but never finding true form and failing again and again.  

Era of the Dragonborn

In the beginning of, Luthic approached Gruumsh and told him that his influence is deteriorating and the his people are being hunted down by everyone, even the Giants who cannot be trusted anymore. This 'poisoned' his mind, he saw everyone appreciating Moradin for the Rotation of the Continents inside the Prime Material Plane and Corellon for the elves and his wisdom and the balance they brought to the Feywild and Prime Material Plane.   In a nutshell – He was envious; Luthic played on that feelings and reminisce the old days of their glory and so, she concocted with his mate the plan of separating the rest of the planes.  

Degradation of the Beasts

His people were beginning to dwindle and so he took his people, the shifters to the Beastlands and again 'pushed' the Plane far away. However, this time, it affected the whole fauna of the Material Planes, causing beasts to become unintelligent – causing Silvanus to personally attack Gruumsh, beginning a feud among the deities again. It was rumored that Farraj had allowed many terror beasts to venture from the the Beast lands to Bayjan and they happened to be intelligent.  

Imprisoning of the Kalashtar

In their fury, The Deities and powers of the Beastlands, being orchestrated by Menas, contacted Luthic and convinced her to instigate a rebellion within her imprisoned people, in where they were sent before to Carceri. Luthic then contacted Gruumsh again and released her Kalashtar children. There, The Azaraks of Soryna came and decided to open a portal for Luthic's people to safety in case Silvanus and his comrades decide to retailiate. Unbeknown to her, already many azarspawn begun turning and in exchange for resources for the upcoming conflict the Second Azaraki Peace Wars, they had changed the portal destination to Carceri.   Upon discovery, Gruumsh clashed with Soryna and in his rage, he begun changing – he hammered her down, using his spear as a weapon, however, using the tip of his spear, caused a the portal to be closed down, but pushed also Carceri further away by Soryna's hope to help the Kalashtar escape, as in her mind, she was sure that this had given them refuge in Elysium.  

Heaven's Out of Reach

Years passed and Gruumsh in his fury, became more and savage, with his mourning wife Luthic, they had begun to plan their revenge against Silvanus, Soryna and harm those in the House of Nature, which is in Elysium.   Hence, Gruumsh contacted Ashmedai and elaborated together on an assault. Therefore forging the spear of Gruumsh in order to break Heaven's capabilities to exit their planes via traditional means.   However, this tied Heaven and Hell together, only able to exit via the natural means to their.  

Kord's Assault on Ysgard

Following Gruumsh prowess, Gruumsh approached Kord in order to facilitate conditions for the war Gruumsh was planning, as a previous power of good, together they freed Ilneval, a fiendish like creature who was entombed in Limbo. Together Kord, Ilenval invaded Ysgard in order to throw off and begin a cycle of War within this realm.   Heimdall, considering the full assault of Kord forces on Ysgard, made him a suitable leader of Asgard, inquired of Lune's help and made the assault harder of it.   As a feint, Gruumsh allowed his son, Bahgtru to go to Elysium (see below), while he himself went to Nyx- arguing with her and 'demanding' her help against Lune.  

The Birth of Nyxgaas

While,Nyx demanded his utter loyalty to fight also Sehanine , his brother's wife and fight Ixtaar, the Son itself; In rage, he begun understanding the lot he fell into. At the same time, Domidea intervened at the behest of Sehanine, as she suspected something is aloof and Nyx should be watched, thus Nyx cursed Gruumsh to embrace the night.   In that battle, Domidea's Demi-Plane was destroyed by Nyx's fury. Domidea herself found the situation quite favorable, using parts of Kas'shi to tbh to place her within the Astral and forever escaping her sight.   Gruumsh, who has been duped by all the war, understanding his folly, entered into rage, which he directed at Nyx with his mighty spear, he pierced Kas'shi, pulling out a chunk of it and fusing it with his anger, his demand of loyalty – he created Nyxgaas one of his own image – while throwing the chunk of matter of Kas'shi upon the planes – forever changing the tapestry of the Astral with Kas'shi being torn apart – The Planes went into chaos.  

Yurtrus is awakened

Out of this chaos, came another being, one who saw Gruumsh's war, he offered his loyalty to Luthic, seeking to dominate Undeath, he came there to Elysium with Bahgtru, using the forces of Hades itself.  

Ysgard and Arborea distancing by the energy of the Abyss and Pandemonium

This is when, Corellon has seen the horrors and intervened, first taking the chunks of the Demi-Plane of Domidea in the astral and throwing them on Pandemonium – with the asteroid of Kash'shi itself being wrecking havoc pushing the Abyss and Pandemonium together… making sure they won't be able to do anything and he used his connections.   Bahamut, who was at the time on another demi-plane of his own, came and in his Wisdom and with the aid of Tamara and Hlal, they tricked Task – literally a task Hlal took great joy in and made it possible.   Thus, Hlal – connected Arborea and Ysgard, pushing Arborea and Ysgard in a proximity – furthering them away from the Prime material Planes – using the energy of Pandemonium as a source of power and tricking Task who irrevocably affected the abyss itself..   Later on, Tamara and Bahamut – worked together to break the Connection of the Hell and Heaven – see below for additional information.  

Elysium is not at peace

Now, that the more capable military forces of good are occupied, either at the Heavens or Ysgard. Arborea is occupied with the Prime material plane being infested by the evil planes and by the on going destruction of Domidea's realm by Nyx, Bahgtru used his might to attack Elysium. Together with Yurtrus and Luthic. The onslaught and the chaos, made each blow of Baghtru pushing Elysium away.   Lendys – seeing his family fighting in those battles that seem to take mere days for the deities, chose to balance the planes – cursing each effect and trying to use Primus from Mechanus in order to facilitate balance again.  

Heaven and Hell Symphony

As told above, Tamara and Bahamut came to Heaven and with the might of the All-Father forged a device that made sure that they could disconnect the heavens and with the aid of Lendys, pushed the planes harder than any effect that was described.   All the planes that remained now connected to the primes, are those of Bytopia, Gehnna and Acheron.  

Bytopia's Conference

While being relatively at 'peace', that is where Corellon Larethien asked Gruumsh to meet, his brother. There, The Shapeshifters of Gruumsh awaited, cheering Corellon for bringing peace, even more than Gruumsh.   That is when Gruumsh, who saw it all as his plans of chasing away those who harm him and his 'family', he grew terribly envious of Corellon's fame. There, Corellon, met with Gruumsh, warning him and asking him to bring balance to the Material Planes which were left in Chaos. This conference resulted in the discussion of the ceasefire and treaty that would bring end to the planes destabilization, with Soryna's guidance.   At the aftermath of this, as Gruumsh grew jealous, he gathered all of his newly formed Pantheon at Gehenna. They rested for long years, until Gruumsh, planned his revenge, seeing the shapeshifters taking solace in the Seldarine with the help of Torog as mentioned below.  

Trickery of Gehenna

Following the advice of Nyxgaas, Gruumsh and the Pantheon made sure to ally themselves with Torog, who provided them shelter. There, they concocted their vengeance upon the perfect Seldarine. With the Aid of Cain who deemed it worthy as a revenge, empowered the forces of Gehenna.   Unbeknown to the forming alliance, that is when Gruumsh and Luthic decided to misguide Gehenna and their 'forces of evil', resulting in the failed attack of Gehenna failing their attacks.   Instead, Gruumsh and Luthic, directed their attacks at Bytopia, in an attempt to free the Shifters.   During the attack, Gruumsh, took his spear, the one that was forged with Ashmedai and pierced the veils of the planes, Pushing Gehenna and Bytopia apart. It should be mentioned that this betrayal may have been forgiven by Torog as it took many millenias after the events for the Orcish pantheon to compensate him.   Following this attack, Corellon formally scolded Gruumsh and cut all ties with him for his unwarranted destruction.  

Arborea's Meeting

Many years later, feeling Triumphant, Gruumsh went to meet Corellon Larethien in Arborea, he contaced Araushnee and following her advice, they 'trapped' his sword (as told in The Myths of the Orcs and Elves) and begun the War of the Seldarine   That is where the The Myths of the Orcs is coming close to the real facts of their meeting. There was the planned the coup of Araushnee and there they fought.  

The Battle and War of Acheron

After the events, Acheron was the only plane connected to the prime material planes, and that is where the Orcish Pantheon resided.   Corellon Larethien, seeing the results of Gruumsh's action, his brother, he decided to solidify the orcish race's connection to his creators, difficult. With the aid of the upper planes, with Bahamut unifying them to Corellon's cause, they used High Elven Magic and other forms of powers they had, In addition, with the Celestial Hebdomad and Azorkaratsel they managed to disconnect the Plane itself, turning it into the eternal battlefield indeed of Acheron and resulting in the Planar Divergence.


With the Era of Bridges beginning, Azorkaratsel moved himself to Arcadia, to be better situated against the eternal battlefields and where is lawfulness came to full potential.
Bahamut and Tamara
Bahamut and Tamara moved their seat to the Heaven;
The Seldarine
The Seldarine established themselves in Arvandor.
The Iron Fortress
Most of the Orcish Pantheon, established themselves at Acheron, and its main base, the Iron Fortress.
War of Elves and Orcs
The Elves and Orcs share almost irrational hate for each other, upon only seeing one other. Though many times they can quell these feelings, none of them Ever see one of them attractive or as a potential mate for anything.


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