Duran Stakklehop Character in Theras | World Anvil

Duran Stakklehop

It's a fucking stupid name. Everyone knows that they're only doing it because they want to make themselves look cool and sophisticated. I say: suffer not the whych to live.
  Duran Stakklehop is loony, deranged Domsomnymmar on an insane crusade to make the Wych Lands of Hexadömonir change their name from "Wych" to "Witch". His presence in Hexadömonir causes no end of grief to the wyches, who seem to be unable to rid themselves of this pest.   Duran is an extremely potent foe. In combat he is a terrifying beast; magicks seem to slide off him like water, and he either crushes his opposition or escapes battle with most of his limbs intact. Scrying does not seem to work, so the wyches cannot find him and destroy him en masse.
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The reason for this is Strebetris thought it would make for endless hilarity if a mortal caused constant trouble in Hacate's mortal realm. She has vowed to wreak vengeance on Strebetris, who responded with more laugher.


Duran Stakklehop was once a fairly ordinary human, a competent fighter that had a tendency to fixate on things to an severly obsessive degree. One day at a tavern near Hexadömonir, his friends slipped some Awyri'rddaear Sap into his drink as a practical joke; instead of the shenanigans they expected, Duran experienced a psychotic break and began pontificating about why the name "wych" was stupid. He soon convinced himself that he had to make them change it, and immediately left to do so. Fearing he would get himself killed, his friends left with him to protect him. It wasn't long before they came across a hag, who nearly ensared them all, were it not for Duran snapping out of it at the last second. The fellows managed to slay the hag, but not before sustaining mortal injuries.   The fellows were found by a sweet maiden, who took the time to nurse them back to health (though the effects of the sap on Duran had yet to wear off). Unbeknownst to them, it was another hag in disguise, and when they had fully recovered she revealed herself to them, and bound them in a fit of malicious laughter. Having heard their story, she made Duran watch as she lobotomized his friends one by one, preparing them to become Domsomnymmar. As she finally started working on Duran and transforming his body, he experienced a rage so powerful, that it broke through spell holding him down, and he slew the hag before she could finish the process and bind him to her will. Unfortunately, his fellows were forever doomed to be mindless, so in his grief he slit their throats and gave them a burial, before swearing vengeance on the wyches, for if they hadn't had such a stupid name, these events would never have occurred.  


You tell if someone is a secret whych if they weigh the same as a duck.
It's not your wife, it's a whych!
Do not cite the deep magic to me, whych! You weren't there when it was written.


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