Hacate Character in Theras | World Anvil

Hacate (hek-ah-tee)

The Half-Elf looked up at the woman before him, despite looking somewhat Human, the darkness of her eyes sent a chill down his spine as she approached. "Come now child". Her voice was deep for a woman's, and she extended a hand to the fallen creature. As he took it, he found her grip was tight and her skin was as cold as marble. The realization she was a goddess kicked in too late, Hecate had already led him to the mouth of a portal that could take them who knows where "You've reached your crossroads, but you've been sitting in them for too long. Allow me to guide you...
  Hecate is an deity of abundance, magic, and moons that by -3,000 BB was created by a union between Ervenius and Lune. This goddess was created in an attempt to create a second guardian of the Prime since Ervenius had just left Magic back onto the world. One that was more than enough for the purpose of it. However, Ella'li and Nyx, had different plan and corrupted Young Hecate into taking her right place. Ervenius had to destroy her after she had destroyed an entire plane in order to hunt down her mother, Lune. The God Falazure, took down the corpse life from the goddess Soryna and took down her portfolio, fully releasing her and making her an Aspect of him.   Hecate is a very independent woman with a capricious nature. She is widely famed for her cutting wit and great eloquence. She promotes the use of spells and magical items, as well as the joys of abundance. She also warns against the folly of wastefulness.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Her worshipers are typically people that practice dark magic and worked magic for their own personal gain. The doctrine of her church is that finding and holding power is the primary goal of all life, and that the ideal path to achieving power, wealth, and practically all desirable things was magic. Her temples are well hidden, often located in the depths of dark haunted forests where they are guarded by the undead. All of Hecate's clerics have a special rapport with hell hounds and would not be attacked by them in any case. Each month they make their sacrifices to her under the night of a full moon, often in the form of black ewes and honey. Failure to do so results in her depriving the worshiper of their magical powers until the proper sacrifice was made.   Followers of Hecate tend to clash with those of gods of death, as their practicing of necromancy tends to clash with say, the followers of The Raven Queen's ideals that death happens when it does and shouldn't be tampered with in any way shape or form. However due to Hecate's nature, each individual follower or in most cases, group of followers who share a temple, have their own ideas on it and when they should use Necromancy.
Priestly Vestments
Hecate's clerics are few in number and typically are that wearblue-white garments, a color akin to moonlight. They usually work in solitude, performing magical research, making magic items, or searching out legendary treasures, and convincing good-aligned spellcasters to use their powers for evil or selfish ends. They also form cells of cultists in order to carry these schemes out on a larger scale. They are ruthless in their pursuits of power and influence, willing to use any trick at their disposal. They are particularly passionate about magical items, which they consider physical manifestations of power, but if they ever find an item they can't use a priest would donate it to the church.  
Temples to Hecate serve as bases and sanctuaries for her clerics. They are always well hidden, often located in depths of dark, haunted forests and guarded by undead.

Tenets of Faith

Hecate is the patron of those who work dark magic and those who would work magic for gain. She promotes the use of spells and magic items, and tells her followers that magic is the key that unlocks wealth, power, and all desirable things.   She preaches the joys of abundance, but warns against the folly of waste. Any good reaper or hunter, she says, leaves a few seeds and a few fauns for next year.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Hecate is capable of casting any spell accessible to magic-users, especially those of the illusionist school of magic, as often as she likes without any restriction. She is also capable of controlling undead. Twin spheres of annihilation were by her side at all times, ready to be used against her enemies. They moved by themselves after being started and could not be controlled by mortals.

Apparel & Accessories

Hecate's personal weapon is a +5 dagger with the ghost touch weapon quality. She also possesses the legendary eye of Gruumsh, which had been believed lost in his conflict with Corellon.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Hecate spends some of her time crafting evil, magical items with the aid of her clerics, which she trades with baatezu for souls to power the machines in her divine realm in Minauros. She often aids mortals for no other reason other than having nothing better to do. At night her avatar is said to wander the mortal realm or her domain of Aeaea, accompanied by a pack of hell hounds. While doing so her avatar would sometimes aid children, herders, and shepherds on a whim. But most times she sends her hounds to attack those who dared to travel on the same night as her and if they manage to fend the hounds off for some time she calls them back. On rare occasions, she can offer the traveler some form of recompense.


Contacts & Relations

Hecate has nine hell hound servants that she unleashes to hunt down anyone that desecrated her temples or attacked her higher ranking clerics. Occasionally she simply sicks them on those traveling at night. She almost always hasa gift for the deities that visited her. She is one of the Lower Planes deities that has strategic alliances with Asmodeus, lord of the Nine Hells.
Dread Goddess of the Night;
Goddess of the Crossways;
Goddess of Magic;
The Lady of the Night;
The Great Crone;
The Maiden;
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Aeaea, Minauros, Baator
Subservient Deities
Necromancy, Witchcraft, Ghosts, Hags, Mists
Abundance, Crosswords, Magic
Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Travel, Trickery
Setting Moon
Assassins, hunters, rogues, sorcerers, wizards
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days

Worshipper Relations

Hecate and Divine intervention. Hecate's interventions are more of an indirect kind, she never directly gives her followers advice, advises them to make one choice or another, or intervenes with her Necromancy. Most of her followers receive visions about what could happen in their dreams. Hecate usually gives two options that are somewhat different from one another for the sake of making the choice easier on her followers, She never shows them events that are too good or too bad, as she feels that would influence their choice on this and that's not her ultimate goal. However, In some cases she's willing to bend this rule if say, the players are on a quest for her.


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