Awyri'rddaear Sap Material in Theras | World Anvil

Awyri'rddaear Sap

Awyri'rddaear Sap is a legendary drug that causes you to see into your future. This future is usually the users own death if they are not strong enough to withstand the highly toxic values of the Drug.   There are some stories that expert tortures often used this device in order to incite terror inside the heart of prisoners - a techinque mostly used in Sofel.


Origin & Source

The Origins of the Awyri'rddaear Sap are unclear, so some speculate they come from Ysgard.   The League of Gnomir are highly secretive about these special compound and they usually sell those drugs to oracles and its highly sought in religious places such as Kingdom of Arasil, The Bafigron Empire and even many magocrasies such as The Leylands of Graile, Sofel.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Many Knights of The Silver Chalice are addicted to these drugs and use them, often relying on them in situations, as the ability to see the future is preferable in every scenario. It was reported that many aspiring squires died from these drugs.
500 Gold Pieces for a Batch
Sticky coagulated matter, reminiscent of a tree sap


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