Elandor , Lirithil Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Elandor , Lirithil

Elandor. Sometimes, referred to as the Guardians of the Coasts in ceremonies.


The Elandors go through rigorous training, in order to prepare them with the dangers of combat, ranged, melee, magical and non magical in the seas or coasts.   They also undergo training to use basic cantrips for water magic, or orisons if they are connected to the divine more.   The Elandors, like Nandorel's Mariners, are sometimes rangers and use stealth alone and sometimes with their ships in order to execute their missions.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Elandors wear lightweight, enchanted armor made from a combination of livewood, and enchanted sea dragon scales. This armor provides excellent protection against both physical and magic while allowing for agility and flexibility. The livewood in the armor ensures a connection to the natural world, enhancing their senses and awareness. However, their magic mostly connected to the seas.   They also equip themselves with Culindion-Vilya, Korallion-Taure and Ailin-Lannor.
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