Nandorel's Mariners Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil

Nandorel's Mariners

Nandorel's Mariners are the elite ranger corps of the Pearlwing Aramada where their headquarters and training center are gradually shifting on the beaches of Narsil Bay.   The Mariners, are divided into 3 groups, each has a specific role, following the tradition of the Nandorel and her habits and activities in her gazing and waiting for the first High Justice King of Arasil. It should be noted that it is sometimes confusing for foreigner to understand what group of Nandorel's Mariners are referred to, as the 2 of the groups are not distinguisable by langauge, only by a special sign langauge that the Nandorel's Mariners developed for their missions and private conversations underwater and above.  
The Bronze Rangers
The Elite command of the rangers who span all over the coast lines of Arasil, specifically keeping a vigil over the borders of the lands, patrolling them and acting as lifeguards sometimes in their leisure time.
The Nandorel Mariners
The Elite group of commando soldiers in the Navy, acting in many dangerous surgical missions.
The Dragonturtle Corps
The Most prestigious of the groups, the Delving Corp are mostly equipped with ring of water breathing and are actually diving soldiers. Their training is somewhat tied to the head of the Pearlwing Armada.



All of the Corps, are trained to be rangers, however, many of the officers are Magi, clerics and in the rare occasions, druids - the Wizards of Arasil are not in the Mariners, but instead in the Navy.   The Records of Arasil are very meticulous in recording their manpower, according to The Guilds of Arasil standards, however, in the Mariners, it is not customary, as many of the corps are elves, half elves and they see this as an affront.


Most of the Mariners, have a Ring of Swimming, potions of Touch of the Sea, Air Bubble scrolls, though many of the rangers can cast it themsleves, therefore saving precious resources.   Some of the Mariners, are equipped with special goggles from The League of Gnomir, which allow them to see under the salty water for prolonged times and also to see in the dark depths.


The sea-lords of Arasil made a solemn vow to honor the memory and vigil of Elrion, by the name of the first queen, Nandorel and for a several hundred years, the Mariners of Lady Nandorel have maintained a symbolic watch over Arasilian's Shores, anticipating her return.   Although they may initially seem like a purely ceremonial unit, the Mariners of Nandorel are, in reality, the finest archers of the realms of Arasil. They continuously rotate their members to the front lines and all difficult tasks at seas to ensure the protection of Arasilian Shores. These Mariners have inherited the remarkable skills of their Elven ancestors, possessing exceptional vision and unparalleled precision with their powerful bows. Draped in sea-blue cloaks over leather jerkins adorned with the symbolic crest of the Order of the Golden Swan, they remain perpetually prepared to answer the summons of the Princes of Arasil.   The Mariners were first introduced to the navy as special commando units who sabotaged the sea blockades of Siril, devastating their ships from below, making sure that many of the reports, included reports of sea creatures.
661 AB
Overall training Level


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