Lirithil Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The Lirithil is the name of the Sea forces of Kingdom of Amon-Thal and is led by the Istannor.


The PA is structured as follows:
  • The Battle Fleet, derives its tradition from the Elven Fleets of Rakion and therefore is structured as follows:
    1. Rohtirion, is the equivalent of a Task Force and is led by Lestor.
    2. Rothindon, is the equivalent of a Squadron and is led by Talindor.
    3. Rohtalirya, is the equivalent of a Division and is led by a Rohtalor.
    4. Faltindon, is the equivalent of a Flotilla, and is led by a Hendor.
  • In addition, the Armada employs the use of many auxilary units, same as the Armaithil.
  • The Merchant Fleet, tradition was almost exclusively originated from Owhain. These Merchant fleets are sailing fair and wide and the elves are replacing its vessels with appropriate vessels, such as the battle fleet, only it does utilize ships, which range in size from small coasters and cogs to multimasted caravels and carracks.   Large convoys of ships, are usually accompanied by a Faltindon, and on the rare occasions, a Rohtalirya.


The Navy of the Sel-Quessiri was their home before long. Living in the seas, guarded by the Alu-Quessiri during their time of exile from Aetheliora for thousands of years. They had ventured upon the many coasts of Rakion and the fleet, was ever their true home.


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