Eldrida Settlement in Theras | World Anvil


Eldrida, is a grand castle atop a hill, the home of House Doril, a noble family of high elves known for their wisdom, power, and grace. They were respected and admired by all the other houses in the land for their leadership and diplomacy.   But there was a dark secret hidden deep within the castle walls. The head of the house, Lord Prince Doril, had become obsessed with the forbidden art of blood magic. He believed that by harnessing the power of blood, he could gain even more power and prestige.   He began experimenting with blood magic in secret, using the blood of animals at first, but soon he began to take the blood of other creatures and later on, any elven rival. This custom became known throughout the centuries and they had become experts and close 'interst' of Sofel. They had many undeads in their darkest basements. Doril had many animals such as the Giant Lynxes, Thylacine and later on, the Spectral Panthers that they used. The Old Kyth Order, is not welcome in this lands, but they still invest huge funds to infiltrate them.


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