Madithamna Settlement in Theras | World Anvil


Madithamna was the royal capital of Octoland. It was completely destroyed following a 3-month-long Siege= in a Divine Inferno brought on it in by the clerics of the Andorian Church who served as auxilary forces to the Might of the Holy Pact in the Kadian Invasion of Rakion. The crater left behind, known as Iram Quatuor Deorum (Wrath of the Four Gods), is also commonly known as Iram of the Pillars due to the hardened pillars of salt that completely surround the city's former perimeter and the locals assuming Iram was identical to the Balikhanite word I'iram, which translates as "Their City".

27th of Bazingadail

Founding Date
901-904 (construction)
Location under


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