Dharaek Khanate Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Dharaek Khanate

The Dharaek Khanate is a Khanate formed from various Hobgoblin tribes, which are known for their strong military and disciplined culture, while also being known as expert slavers.


During the Nahrso Empire battles in The Narsilian Civil War, House Sohren was exiled to the Landkaven, where they had lived with the Hobgoblins and in 0 AB, had formed the Dharaek Khanate.   Through a series of military campaigns and conquests, the Dharaek Khanate expanded its borders and consolidated its power.   Their military strategies focused on coordinated movements, precise formations, and exploiting the weaknesses of their adversaries.


The foundation of the Dharaek Khanate's military prowess lies in their societal structure and values. Hobgoblins are inherently organized and disciplined beings, placing great importance on hierarchy, obedience, and martial strength.   From an early age, hobgoblin youths are trained in combat, tactics, and military strategies, instilling a sense of duty and discipline within their society. The Khans, hold a position of authority and are responsible for training and leading the armies of the Dharaek Khanate.   To maintain their strong military, the Dharaek Khanate places great emphasis on training, discipline, and constant preparedness. They invest in the development of their armed forces, with regular drills, tactical exercises, and ongoing training programs.   In addition, The Khanate also prioritizes the production of weaponry, armor, and military infrastructure, ensuring that their forces are well-equipped for any conflict.  
If you win a war without your slaves, you will soon become one
[1]   The slaves are contributing to the logitics of the army, however, the khanate doesn't rely on them and use this for non-critical work and are filling roles in non-essential jobs.  
Military Structure
the Dharaek Khanate follows a hierarchical system with various ranks and positions. At the top is the Khan of Dharaek, the supreme military leader who holds significant authority and makes strategic decisions.   Below the Khan, there are subordinate officers (following Narsilian military tactics and organization), commanders, and sergeants who lead smaller units and ensure discipline and coordination among the troops.   The structure also includes support personnel such as quartermasters, engineers, and medics, who play crucial roles in maintaining the operational readiness of the forces.


Though they venerate the Goblinoid Pantheon, they hold a special place for Bane and Kord for their highly militaristic culture.
[1]A varaition of said adage: "If you can't go to war without your salves, you will soon join them.", is also common.
Founding Date
0 AB
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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