Faelost Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil


Faelost is a member of the The Althing which are appointed every 10 years in special elections in every region inside Thalasindor.   The Faelosts are usually members of importance, be they merchants, farmers, laborers, jewlers, woodcarvers, sculpturers, knights, clerics, priests, philosphers, magis, wizards, sorcerers, rangers, paladins from their perspective districts for which they are chosen to take care of as the Elven people, espacially those of Sel-Quessiri find their people with extensive knowledge on various topics and with the aid of magic, even a simple magic can have alot of time to improve himself inorder to become a Faelost, if so he desires.   It should be mentioned that most of the Sel-Quessiri are not driven by desire for power, but for the betterment of the issues.
Alternative Naming
Lord/Lady of [The Appropriate region]
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