The Althing Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Althing

The Althing, is parliamentary body, which governs the Principality of Amon-Thal with an efficient and inclusive approach. It serves as the voice of the people, shaping policies, making decisions, and ensuring the prosperity and well-being of the principality.


The Althing comprises a diverse assembly of representatives, called Faelosts from various regions and communities within Amon-Thal. The number of members can vary, but typically it consists of a balanced representation of elected officials. The precise number of members is determined by factors such as population, geographical distribution, and historical significance of each region - holding today over 500 members, all representing their regions 500 regions of the Kingdom, sometimes referred to as baronies by .  
Election Process
Members of the Althing are elected through a democratic process that upholds fairness and transparency. Eligible citizens have the opportunity to nominate candidates, who then participate in local and regional elections. The candidates with the highest votes in their respective regions are elected as representatives to the Althing.  
Role and Decision-Making
The Althing holds a significant role in shaping legislation, policy-making, and governance in Amon-Thal. It acts as a deliberative body where representatives discuss and debate various issues, considering the diverse perspectives and interests of the principality's constituents. Consensus-building and constructive dialogue are emphasized to ensure a balanced approach to decision-making.  
Voting Methods
The Althing employs various voting methods to determine the outcome of discussions and proposals. Most decisions are reached through majority voting, where a simple majority of members' votes is required to pass a resolution. However, for more critical matters, a supermajority may be required, ensuring a broader consensus among the members.  
The Prince of Amon-Thal's Role
While the Prince of Amon-Thal holds a position of authority, their power is not absolute within the Althing. The Prince acts as both a guiding figure and a representative of the principality. They preside over the Althing sessions, providing insights, addressing concerns, and offering their wisdom. However, the Prince is subject to the decisions of the Althing and is accountable to the will of the people. In matters of significant importance, the Prince's decisions may require the approval or endorsement of the Althing to ensure the principality's collective interests are upheld.   The Althing appoints a Prince once every 100 years or can dismiss one with the majority of 50%, Though, vetoes of the Aran Iaur of Amon-Thal, usually negates that and then things are remannded.  
The Aran Iaur of Amon-Thal Role
The Althing must approve of the Aran Iaur as described in the roles. It should be noted that the Aran Iaur is also the chairmen of the Althing.


The Althing is able to communicate with spells and projections of themselves, utilizing many advanced magical capabilities to hold a conference quite efficiently and to under that the great Principality needs far outweigh those of the individual.


During the Kadian Invasion of Rakion, the althing had voted 7 times on taking various military actions, with many Faelosts voting on unleashing High Elven Magic and sweeping the ocean on the foreign invaders. Espacially after The Skyfire Conflagration, however during this vote, the Aran Iaur of Amon-Thal, had vetoed against such action, for it would claim innocents, often quoting The Seldarine on such matter.
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