Amon-Thal Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The High Elven Principality of Amon Thal is a kingdom that almost outshines all other kingdoms in Rakion in every aspect, having learned from their history, those people are willing to be the best at everything and indeed, they are.


The High Elven people, were dislocated for a long time, roaming Rakion for thousands of years as Ervenius' Draught had destroyed everything they were taught. Their magic was so weak that the Remnant Menedynn Empire hunted them down everywhere.   The High Elven people roamed the whole of Rakion, scattered into tribes and several kingdoms. However, when Faenya-Dail was established after the great hunt in the west in Slikmuluss by the Old Ansko Empire, the High Elven people converged with the Seldarine avaters in Faenya Dail, where they had fought with the Confederacy of Barks and the sea elves in The Fifth Azaraki War.   The Sel-Quessiri people brought with them many tribes that had come with different customs and allies. The Great Uniter, Filron had united the tribes and had many old alliances, many creatures from the planes and other magical beasts that he had brought to agree to work with the elven tribes when they tried to retake their homeland, including the Pegasi, Centaurs, Peudodragons, Unicorns, Hippogrif, and less Faeriedragons than their cousin in Eryndor.   The Ethil-Quessiri, aided them with fresh shipments and logistical help, as well as teaching many of them Old elven high magic as they lost it and taught them draconic. The most magnificent of the Ethil Quessiri gifts were the Phoenix eggs they gifted to Filron.
Founding Date
1,656 BB
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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