Fathom Dwarf Species in Theras | World Anvil

Fathom Dwarf

Fathom dwarves, also known as Six-Feet dwarves or Abysm Dwarves and sometimes sea dwarves.   Fathom dwarves have little with the surface.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They are large boned, but leaner than other dwarves. Their skin varies from pale brown to light tan, and often carries a reddish tinge. Their eyes are large, but without the sheen of their surface cousins; in color, a washed-out blue. Hair color ranges from flame red to straw blond. The females wear their beards long, unlike other dwarf women (who are typically clean-shaven).

Civilization and Culture


It is said that the Fathom dwarves were once a race of surface dwarves, only later to be blessed, or perhaps cursed to become dwarves that had drowned. It is not known save perhaps Dugmaren Brightmantle and Duragg Deephallow, their patron, how the dwarves were created or perhaps evolved. One thing is pretty sure among the scholars, the Fathom dwarves had many citadels and strongholds upon the surface and the underground and had very good relations with the humans of Menedynn, even known to harbor the first magic academies before and after Ervenius' Draught.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
4 feet to 4'2 feet
Average Weight

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