Duragg Deephallow Character in Theras | World Anvil

Duragg Deephallow (DIR-agg DEEP-hallow)

Duragg Deephallow is the prime deity of Fathom Dwarf, a water god and part of the Aetheliora and one of the protector of dwarvenkind.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The holy symbol of their faith is a miniature bronze shield, a potent reminder of their defensive duty. These shields are typically worn as medallions, suspended from burnished steel chains around their necks.  

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Fathom Dwarves hold Duragg Deephallow in high esteem, his unwavering dedication to their defense a beacon of hope in the ever-present darkness. While his stern demeanor may intimidate some, none can deny his crucial role in the survival of their remaining strongholds. All dwarven guardians, from scouts to elite warriors, revere him. Those seeking protection or military aid offer tribute as a gesture of appeasement. Duragg welcomes followers of lawful alignments, accepting all from good to neutral, with the sole exception of chaotic evil. Chaotic good dwarves, however, find a place within his faith, their unpredictable courage resonating with him.   Clerics of Duragg Deephallow, known as barakor are the backbone of Fathom Dwarf defense. They organize community defense efforts, serve as bodyguards, and tirelessly instill the importance of vigilance in all dwarves. Upon joining the order, each barakor receives a charge to protect. While high-ranking clerics often safeguard influential clan members, novice assignments seem random, encompassing children, the elderly, and even the infirm. Yet, all barakor share an unwavering commitment: to "pay Duragg's greatest price" - a selfless willingness to sacrifice themselves for their assigned charge.   Devoting oneself to Duragg as a worshiper requires a strong sense of honor. While neutrality is tolerated, the chaotic and truly neutral lack the unwavering commitment Duragg demands. To become a barakor, a cleric of Duragg, requires a rigorous combination of physical and mental attributes. Prospective barakors must demonstrate exceptional physical prowess and vitality, a wise and discerning mind, and a strong lawful disposition. Their unwavering dedication earns them several boons:  
  • Barakors are immune to magic that induces sleep, allowing them to maintain constant vigilance. Their natural need for sleep is also lessened, ensuring they are ever-alert guardians.
  • They, as well as lay priests, also develop heightened awareness. They can interpret subtle sounds, fleeting movements, and other signs of activity with an uncanny ability. Given time to study their surroundings, they can even pinpoint the exact distance and direction of nearby features.
Priestly Vestments
They favor red and black cloaks and helms, the stark colors mirroring the flames of Duragg's watchful gaze. This imposing attire drapes over the finest, sturdiest armor their resources can provide. No expense is spared in protecting those who stand as Duragg's shield.   Whether venturing on expeditions or guarding their communities, Duragg's priests are always prepared. They don the best armor and weaponry available. Only in the direst circumstances, when severely wounded or incapacitated, will they shed their protective gear.  
  • Sea Watcher - They generally focus on their intial training in observation
  • Kelpguard - They support experienced clerics, using many underwater plants and carrying them with them.
  • Reef Sentinel - They are the watchful guards and fully pledged clerics of the faith.
  • Abyssal Defender - They are high priests of the faith and are securing the deeps.
  • Deep Warden - They are the leaders of a temple or a special mission or even safeguarding communities.
  • High Old Ones
  • Abyssal Lords/Ladies - They are the authority of every sea, lake.
  • Living Corals - They are the high clerics of the faith, encompossing oceans or incharge of many seas and lakes.
Temples dedicated to the Golden Guardian, Duragg Deephallow, are typically unassuming structures sculpted from sturdy stone in the deeps. A central altar, often containing the remains of a revered barakor, serves as the focal point for worship. Most temples house a small armory and are built with robust fortifications, ever ready to withstand enemy assault. These practical yet imposing structures embody the spirit of Duragg's faith: unwavering defense and unwavering devotion.  
Barakor pray for spells in the morning, usually before taking a tour of the community to ensure that the night passed with little incident. Holy days are celebrated each festival, with tedious (to outsiders) procedures that involve formal salutes, rhythmic grounding of weapons, and didactic, chanted prayers.

Tenets of Faith

  • A Deepwatcher's gaze pierces the eternal darkness, ever watchful against the Underdark's threats. Sleep is a luxury, for Duragg's charges demand constant protection.
  • The children of the Morndinsamman are Duragg's sacred trust. Defend them fiercely, for they are the future of the Deep Holds.
  • Let no enemy breach our defenses. Defend with unwavering courage and relentless skill, driving back the darkness with every blow.
  • In the face of peril, a Deepwatcher hesitates not. When the fate of the clan hangs in the balance, the greatest price becomes a worthy offering.
  • Those who fall in Duragg's service are etched in the annals of Deep Dwarf history. Their deeds of valor inspire generations to come.


Marking the beginning of a new watch cycle (During Early Spring), this holiday celebrates renewed vigilance. Festivities involve lighting bioluminescent displays powered by thermal vents, feasting on deep-sea crustaceans and luminous algae cakes, and chanting prayers to Duragg Deephallow for continued protection beneath the waves. Novice Tidewatchers participate in underwater obstacle courses and receive blessings to prepare them for their future roles as Deepwatch guardians.  
This somber holiday commemorates Fathom Dwarf strongholds lost to the their exploration during Mid-summer. Families gather to honor fallen ancestors and those lost at sea. Memorials are adorned with bioluminescent pearls and bioluminescent jellyfish. Priests of Duragg Deephallow recount tales of past battles and the importance of unwavering defense. The day culminates in a solemn ceremony where luminous plankton lanterns are released into the ocean currents, carrying prayers for the departed.  
This joyous celebration of life and resilience coincides with the peak growth of bioluminescent kelp forests (Celeberated on late summer or early autumn). Streets and temples are decorated with vibrant coral and glowing kelp fronds. Dwarves participate in races through kelp mazes and contests of underwater spear-fishing, reflecting the importance of preparedness in defense. Children are gifted small, bioluminescent stones blessed by priests, symbolizing Duragg's watchful gaze. The festivities conclude with a dazzling display of bioluminescent jellyfish released into the water, a vibrant beacon of hope and defiance in the darkness.  
Cold Tide
A time of heightened vigilance and preparation for the harshest winter storms and increased Underdark creature activity. Offerings of weapons, armor crafted from the bones of powerful sea creatures, and luminous pearls are made to Duragg's temples. Patrols are doubled, and additional training simulations in underwater combat are conducted. Stories are told of legendary Abyssal Defenders who thwarted past threats. The climax of the vigil involves a ceremonial sharpening of spears and tridents, followed by a shared meal of bioluminescent fish and a sharing of stories to bolster courage as the long, dark winter approaches.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Duragg Deephallow cuts an imposing figure, towering between 6 and 11 feet tall in his golden-brown, full plate armor. The armor itself is a marvel, adorned with red runes that writhe and shift like living flames across its surface. When Duragg speaks, his voice booms with a stern authority, and divine fire eternally dances within the eyeholes of his ever-present bronze mask.  


Duragg's presence extends beyond this one form. He can manifest as a glowing hand, its palm pulsing with the fire of his vigilance and bearing two burning eyes that echo his unwavering gaze. This hand possesses Duragg's full strength.
Another manifestation takes the form of a disembodied metal gauntlet, a stark reminder of his martial prowess. This gauntlet strikes any nearby metal shield or breastplate as a warning of approaching danger. Its impact unleashes a resounding, gong-like clang that resonates throughout the area. Furthermore, the struck object bears witness to Duragg's presence; for the next ten minutes, it is marked with a pair of searing, burnt-in eyes. When the effect finally fades, the object remains permanently marred with two permanent eyeholes, a silent testament to Duragg's intervention.  
Signs of Favor and Displeasure
Duragg's favor grants blessings in the form of specific gemstones: alestones, amaratha, azurites, fire agates, fire opals, flamedance, jacinths, rubies, and scapras. These stones become charged with his watchful energy, offering fortune and protection to those who find them.   However, Duragg's displeasure is equally clear. Shattered shields, symbols of failed defense, and upside-down helms, signifying fallen warriors, serve as grim warnings. He may also leave fleeting footprints, a chilling reminder of his unseen presence, that vanish quickly if pursued. These omens urge the Fathom Dwarves to remain vigilant and ever-prepared.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In ancient history, Duragg was mentioned in most dwarven enclaves, nestled in the shadowy depths below the surface, who found themselves confronting aggressive foes from the Underdark.   It is said that in recent history, since the fall of the Menedynn empire Circa 6,000 BB, the God Duragg had chosen to accompany the Deep Dwarves and help with their strongholds under the sea and the oceans.

Personality Characteristics


Duragg Deephallow is often seen by those with a chaotic nature and even many dwarves as a typical stern and humorless Dwarf. He has little patience for those he distrusts and no tolerance for distractions or sentimentality that could hinder his duties. Consumed by his role as the dwarves' protector, he remains ever-vigilant against threats, even defending the duergar if the enemy's evil surpasses their own.   Duragg frequently appears in the Prime Material Plane, vigilantly monitoring battlements, setting traps, and educating his clerics on creating solid defenses. His combat techniques during sieges are noted for their exceptional skill and a sense of urgent desperation, hinting that he might believe each fight could be his last.
  Duragg intervenes in battles only when absolutely necessary, fighting with intense ferocity to cause significant enemy damage before swiftly moving to another conflict. Observers remark on his extensive training and growing desperation, suggesting he views each conflict as potentially his final battle.     If Duragg has to leave a battle while dwarves still face danger, he may return as a glowing hand to aid them, performing tasks like cutting ropes and pushing siege ladders. He also takes proactive measures such as setting traps and waking dwarves to alert them to danger, occasionally manifesting as a disembodied gauntlet.
Fire Eyes;
The Deep Watcher;
The Ever-Burning Eye;
Lord of the Bronze Mask (In ancient Texts);
The Warden the of the Depths;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Bytopia and Mount Celestia
Subservient Deities
Guardian of the Depth, defense, Patron of Deep Dwarf, watchfulness, Kelps
Community (Cooperation, Education, Home), Darkness (None), Dwarf, Good (Angel, Archon), Law (Angel, Archon), Protection, War (Duels, Tactics), Water (Ice, Oceans, Rivers)
Empty dwarven hlemet with glowing red eyes, with a shield in the back
Dwarven defenders, dwarves, fighters, Fathom Dwarf
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
"Axegard" (Battleaxe)
Holy Days


For centuries, countless warrior orders, both grand and humble, have been established in Duragg's name. These devoted champions stand as the church's most potent defenders.   One of the oldest and most revered knightly orders of Duragg, the Sacred Shields of Berronar's Blessed, may be found in nearly every clanhold and kingdom guarding nurseries full of dwarven children and their parents. Knights of the Sacred Shield are also charged with recovering kidnapped dwarven youths who are to be sold as slaves on the surface or in the Underdark.  
Wardens of the Deep Cradle of Berronar
This ancient and revered order stands among the most respected within Duragg's faith. Their presence is felt across clanholds and underwater kingdoms, where they serve as guardians of nurseries, ensuring the safety of dwarven children and their parents. Additionally, they specialize in recovering kidnapped dwarven youth, rescuing them from the horrors of slavery on the surface, underdark or in the depths.  
Legion of the Dead
Though shrouded in history, legends whisper of this past order. Once a powerful house, they ventured deep into the Underdark, waging relentless war against the abominations that dwell within. They are still alive today, only in the depths, waging war against all who threathen the Fathom Dwarves.

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