Mountain Dwarf Species in Theras | World Anvil

Mountain Dwarf

The Mountain dwarves live beneath the mountains. Their strongholds are usually isolated and they have little contact with other races. Mountain dwarves tend to like their privacy and actively discourage visitors to their strongholds.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their hair is a lighter shade than their hill cousin's, and their skin is slightly more red in color.

Civilization and Culture


The Mountain Dwarves are dispersed around the world as clans, as they had begun to commence on expeditions to the the underdark, deep beneath the underground in order to find the homes of their cousins, the Deep Dwarves. Only after 4 millenias since the beginning of Ervenius' Draught, in -1,853 BB, a brave Hill Dwarf and a chieftain daughter of an unknown clan Mountain Dwarf, they had contacted their cousins deep beneath the seas for a short while, only to find them reclusive.   Since then, the Mountain Dwarves clans have made it their life work to ever expand into the underdark, taking back strongholds of the deep dwarves and having themselves safe shelters both in the mountains and the underdark as they are more reclusive than their Hill Dwarves cousins.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
Average Weight


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