Garlellon' Birth Myth in Theras | World Anvil

Garlellon' Birth

The Myth of Garl Glittergold creation is mostly told by one of the two version:

First Version

One day, Corellon Larethien looked upon his creations and saw that they needed a protector, someone who could safeguard their precious gifts from those who would seek to destroy or corrupt them. So he called upon his own divine essence and breathed life into a new deity, a god who would embody his own love for mischief, humor, and trickery. This new god was named Garl Glittergold, and he quickly became a favorite of the elves and dwarves alike.   Garl Glittergold was born with a quick wit and a keen eye for the absurd. He loved nothing more than to play pranks on his fellow gods and mortals alike, and his laughter echoed throughout the realm of the gods. Despite his playful nature, Garl Glittergold was a fierce protector of those he loved, and he would use his trickery and wit to defend them against any threat.   As Garl Glittergold grew in power and stature, he realized that he had a special connection to Corellon Larethien. He could sense the love and admiration that his father had for him, and he knew that he had been born to protect and defend his father's creations.   Together, Corellon Larethien and Garl Glittergold roamed the realm of the gods, bringing laughter and light wherever they went. They were the embodiment of creativity and mischief, and their presence filled the hearts of all who knew them with joy.   And so it was that Garl Glittergold, the son of Corellon Larethien, became known throughout the realms as a trickster, a protector, and a bringer of light. His legacy lived on long after he had passed into legend, and he continued to inspire laughter and creativity in all who followed in his footsteps.  

The Second Version

After the elves originated from Corellon's Blood, and after he saw the potential of new life, Corellon decided to mix his blood with an unknown creature, and thus creating a new god, one who would embody the best qualities of both elves and dwarves. He gathered the finest materials he could find and set to work on his creation.   After many days of crafting and shaping, Corellon breathed life into his creation and named him Garl Glittergold. Garl was unlike any other god in the realm, with golden skin and hair like a Dwarf, but the pointed ears and nimble frame of an Elf.   From the very beginning, Garl Glittergold proved to be a playful and mischievous god. He loved to dance and sing, and was always up for a good prank or practical joke. He quickly became a favorite among the other gods, who enjoyed his lively spirit and infectious laughter.   Garl also inherited his father's love of creation and craftsmanship. He spent much of his time fashioning intricate jewelry and other trinkets, using the finest materials he could find.   Over time, Garl Glittergold became known as the patron god of gnomes, who were drawn to his playful nature and love of tinkering. He taught them the secrets of metalworking and jewelry making, and encouraged them to always find joy in their work.   Although Garl Glittergold was a son of Corellon Larethien, he always felt a strong connection to his father's Dwarf companion, Moradin. He often visited Moradin in his forge, where they would work together on elaborate metalworking projects.   Despite his mischievous nature, Garl Glittergold was a beloved and respected god among the other deities. His love of life and creation brought joy to all those around him, and his legacy lived on through the many gnomes who followed in his footsteps.


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