
Garsiphon is a substance capable of storing Dragonborn's dragonbreath in a liquid state (and sometimes gassy) for up to 10-30 days. This potent tool allows them to unleash fire, lightning, gas, and other breath weapons with unmatched flexibility.  


  • Liquid state
    Garsiphon encapsulates the dragonbreath in a liquid form, allowing for safe storage and transport.
  • Versatility
    Dragonborn can choose to release Garsiphon in different states, including liquid, gas, or even solid forms, depending on their desired effect.
  • Enhanced effects By combining Garsiphon with specific chemicals, dragonborn can alter the properties of their breath weapon, increasing its potency or adding additional effects.
  • Strategic advantage
    Garsiphon allows dragonborn to plan and strategize their attacks, storing and deploying their breath weapon at the most opportune moment.
  • Sticky and Adhesive Properties
    Garsiphon possesses adhesive properties. This allows dragonborn to effectively target and adhere the substance to surfaces, enhancing its staying power and impact.

Applications of Garsiphon

Military Use
Garsiphon grants dragonborn an edge in combat, enabling them to tailor their attacks to specific situations and enemies. They can use it to create firestorms, unleash electrical blasts, or deploy poisonous gas clouds, depending on the tactical need. In Strategic Warfare, Garsiphon becomes a powerful asset in both land-based and aerial combat scenarios. Dragonborn warriors would and do unleash controlled bursts of dragon breath with precision, creating chaos on the battlefield or incapacitating adversaries with different elemental effects.  
Non-combat Uaw
Garsiphon's versatility extends beyond combat. Dragonborn can use it for various purposes, such as illuminating dark spaces, creating heat sources, or even powering machinery or furnaces.  
The ability to store and transport dragonbreath in a safe and controlled manner opens up possibilities for trade and commerce.


Dragonborn alchemists can manipulate the chemical composition of Garsiphon to transition between liquid and gaseous states. This flexibility enables them to choose the most suitable form for a given scenario, whether they need a lingering cloud of gas or a focused, liquid projectile.   While Garsiphon offers immense potential, its production and handling require careful consideration. Acquiring the specialized knowledge and rare materials necessary to create it limits accessibility, ensuring only trained individuals possess this potent weapon. Additionally, maintaining the stability of Garsiphon's liquid state necessitates proper storage conditions, adding a logistical layer to its use. Moresoever, the very nature of this volatile substance demands utmost caution. Accidental release or mishandling can have catastrophic consequences, necessitating rigorous training and meticulous handling procedures.

Social Impact

The Dragonborn, usually use their breath in order to fashion their tools and sometimes armanements, therefore, storing large quantities of the breath and then using it in the creation as they see their creations as extension of themselves.
The Dragonborn of Grand Empire of Arkolion take great pride in this invention, though the dragonborn of Kingdom of Anska, claim they were the original. While, the truth of it, was that a dragonborn and his wife, both had been abled to create it.
Access & Availability
This technology, is a closely guarded secret and was used as ways to dismantle the siege weapons and ships of The Majestic Kingdom of Keatis in 1,011 AB.
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