Kingdom of Anska Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Kingdom of Anska

The Kingdom of Anska is the true successor to the Old Ansko Empire, though diminished. The Chromatic Dragonborn, remember their suprememcy and vie again for their dominance.


The dragonborn of the Anska Isles have a greater affinity for arcane magic. They worship chromatic dragons and the evil deities in the Draconic Pantheon and emphasize destructive spells, elemental control, and manipulation of magic for personal gain.   They prioritize individualism, personal ambition, and survival of the fittest. They have a hierarchical society where strength and cunning are highly valued.

Public Agenda

The dragonborn of the Anska Isles seek to revive the old Ansko Empire's glory and dominance. Their political goals could involve territorial expansion, military conquest, and the assertion of their authority over other regions.


The chromatic dragonborn of the Anska Isles could possess territories rich in natural resources like gemstones, rare metals, and volatile minerals.


Their country, though defensable against large armies, is strategically located for trade route.


The dragonborn of the Anska Isles possess a more aggressive and offensive military approach. They prioritize naval power, raiding tactics, and guerrilla warfare   The dragonborn of the Anska Isles prioritize espionage, subterfuge, and gathering intelligence. They have extensive spy networks, covert operatives, and information brokers to maintain an advantage over their rivals.

Trade & Transport

The dragonborn of the Anska Isles focus on professions associated with naval activities, piracy, and trade. They have expertise in shipbuilding, navigation, smuggling, and seafaring trades.
Founding Date
980 AB
Predecessor Organization
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

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