The Majestic Kingdom of Keatis Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Majestic Kingdom of Keatis

The Majestic Kingdom of Keatis is a large kingdom and a vassal of The Bafigron Empire - though currently its divided and in a turmoil of the Civil war caused by the Keatisian Insurgency.   The Kingdom of Keatis finds itself beset on multiple fronts. The ongoing civil war threatens to tear the kingdom apart from within, as factions loyal to the rightful crown clash with those supporting the usurper. This internal strife has weakened the kingdom's overall stability and diverted resources that could have been used to defend against external threats.


The Kingdom of Keatis was a Neomen kingdom that rivaled The Bafigron Empire for many years until by 534 AB, the Bafigorn Empire had defeated them in numerous battles, leading to an armistice and accepting the rule of Bafigron over them, with much autonomy.   Over the years and by The Gods War, The kingdom expanded much to west over the territories of League of Balikhan and south over the territories of The Sultans of Buqmat.


Despite the challenges they face, the Kingdom of Keatis boasts a formidable military force to defend its lands and interests. The kingdom relies heavily on the skills of their Eldritch knights and warmages, who blend martial prowess with arcane magic to become formidable warriors on the battlefield. These magically attuned knights and mages form the backbone of the kingdom's forces, wielding their spells and weapons in harmony to overcome their adversaries.   The Keatis cavalry is renowned for its skill and discipline, utilizing swift and well-trained horsemen to launch powerful charges and flank enemy positions. The cavalry plays a vital role in both offensive maneuvers and defensive operations, providing mobility and versatility to the kingdom's military strategies.

Foreign Relations

The Morag Dominion, a formidable orcish dominion, poses a constant challenge to Keatis' borders. These fierce and warlike orcs seek to expand their territory, often engaging in skirmishes and border conflicts with the kingdom's forces. Dealing with the Morag Dominion requires a concerted effort and constant vigilance to protect Keatis' lands from orcish incursions.   The The Emirate of Al Mdiya, League of Balikhan, and The Sultans of Buqmat also present significant challenges to the Kingdom of Keatis. The Emirate of Al-Mdiya, a growing power in the region, may harbor ambitions that could potentially threaten Keatis' interests. The League of Balikhan and the Sultans of Buqmat, with their own agendas and rivalries, add further complexity to the political landscape and potential conflicts that the kingdom must navigate.   Amidst these challenges, the Kingdom of Keatis maintains trade relations with the prosperous The Rich Shore of Abaisgar. This trade serves as a lifeline for the kingdom, providing access to valuable resources and economic opportunities. The riches gained from this trade help to sustain Keatis' military efforts and strengthen their position in the face of adversity.
Founding Date
199 AB
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Post-scarcity economy
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Ethnicities


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