Grand Empire of Arkolion Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Grand Empire of Arkolion

The Grand Empire of Arkolion is the empire that succeded the Old Ansko Empire, though crippled, the rich resources there made sure that this country was rehabilitated quite quickly and became again a major power in Rakion.


The Arkolion dragonborn have a stronger connection to divine magic. They focus on healing, protection, and divine wisdom in their magical practices.   The Arkolion dragonborn emphasize principles such as justice, honor, and community welfare. They value cooperation, unity, and the well-being of their citizens.

Public Agenda

The Arkolion dragonborn prioritize stability, order, and the pursuit of knowledge. Their political goals might include maintaining a centralized government, fostering education and innovation, and expanding their influence through diplomatic means.


The metallic dragonborn of Arkolion have access to rich deposits of minerals and precious metals, such as gold, silver, and platinum. Theyalso have fertile lands suitable for agriculture and abundant natural resources.   They are immensely richer than their neighbor to the south, the Kingdom of Anska.


The land itself is rich with ruined settlements and many Active Citadels and grand cities, rebuilt again.


The Arkolion dragonborn have a well-disciplined and highly organized military. They excel in defensive strategies, sophisticated tactics, and advanced weaponry.   The Arkolion fleet is second to none, in terms of militaristic use. However, their mercantile fleet is second to the The Rich Shore of Abaisgar.

Technological Level

They value intellectual pursuits, education, and the accumulation of knowledge. They have have esteemed academies, libraries, and institutions dedicated to research, history, and arcane studies.

Trade & Transport

The Arkolion dragonborn excel in craftsmanship and professions related to engineering, metallurgy, and architecture. They are skilled in creating intricate metalwork, advanced machinery, and durable structures.
Founding Date
980 AB
Predecessor Organization
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species

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