Genasi Species in Theras | World Anvil


Genasi is an umberalla term for humans with elemental ancestry, specifically Genies. There are four major subspecies of genasi, being Fire, Water, Air and Earth.   Though rare worldwide and virtually extinct in Rakion, genasi make up a considerable portion of the population in Epeoris. As much as 1% of the population in the Principality of Sabersycha, including Prince BĂșadach O Ailn, are fire genasi; some of the most influential factions in the Grieselandic League are tribes of air genasi, where genasi fill an important cultural role.

Basic Information


Fire Genasi: two nervous systems, input and output. Input is faster than normal, output transitions to fire conduits.   Earth Genasi: very dense muscle fiber can constrict bloodflow to skin and cause it to calcify; very exerting.   Air Genasi: higher air to water ratio in blood makes them lighter but also makes their circulatory system less effective.   Water Genasi: higher water to soul ratio in brain blurs social cues but allows better connection between new information and decision making.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Conservation Status
Extinct in Rakion

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