House Lugaid Organization in Theras | World Anvil

House Lugaid

House Lugaid is one of the seven major noble houses of Sabersycha. Descendents of Lugaid Mac Gruaig Rua, the fourth son, most house members inhabit Ailn, the city founded by their ancestor. House members are known for their red hair, and nearly all of them are Fire Genasi.


Members of house Lugaid practice Prasri Animism and worship Kossuth as a patron deity. Though they worship all spirits, they especially revere fire; human house members must be exceptional to be considered equal to their fire genasi kin, and a Lugaid prince must be a fire genasi according to house traditions.   Since the house's leader is the Bráthair Tiarna of Adhmadoíte, members of the house's main branch are known for their deep and profound understanding of agriculture and are renknowned for their administrative capabilities; for these skills to develop, they are often sent to study abroad in the Diarchy of Peraserasia and even as far as the Kadian Dominion.

Public Agenda

House Lugaid is one of the two civil houses of the principality, together with House Tasgilla. They oversee all agricultural aspects of the principality including, but not limited to: following crop cycles; developing and adopting agricultural innovations; producing crop-yield projections; facilitating and teaching small-scale animal husbandry in other lordships; famine-proofing the principality; and allocating druids to accomodate agricultural efforts.   Additionally, they assist the prince in prioritizing transportation routes within the principality and maximize their efficiency. They also share a joint responsibility with house Tasgilla in the maintainance of the major roads within the principality; this does not include The Ivory Route, which is the sole responsibility of house Tasgilla.

Water without, Fire within

Political, Family
Parent Organization
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