Principality of Sabersycha Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Principality of Sabersycha

The Principality of Sabersycha is a Prasri principality in Epeoris, to the east of Diarchy of Pareserasia and north of Yokun Empire. It is one of two Prasri countries, the other being Peraserasia.  
The name Sabersycha adapted from Sab her Sycha Ars, lit. meaning "Land of Seven Sons" in the local Prasri dialect. Historically speaking, the land was conquered by Peadaran Ón Aigéan Liath, who then divided his kingdom into seven regions, each to be ruled by his sons: Eburio, Fuaráin, Tasgilla, Lugaid Mac Gruaig Rua, Fedelmid, Stríbheatha, and Colcamin.


Sabersycha is divided into seven lordships, each ruled by their respective noble house, each being the descendants of the original seven sons:


Election of the Prince
The Prince of Sabersycha is not an inherited position, but an elected one. As such, for a prince to be elected and for the transference of power to take place, at least one of the following conditions must apply:
  • The prince dies
  • Six out of seven lordships vote to replace the current prince and have reached a consensus on who should be the next prince
  • The prince has lost a war
  • Two natural disasters have occured within the span of six months.
  Only certain individuals can be considered for election, and must meet all of the following:
  • Member of one of the seven houses of Sabersycha
  • Passed a battery of tests on agriculture, military matters, internal & external politics, economy & commerce, religion & traditions, and possibly additional tests as deemed proper by the court druids of the other six houses.
  • Not from the same house as the current prince
  • Male and at least 21 years of age
  • Have at least one living parent, biological or otherwise
  If the current prince dies or is demoted, his father inherits him until a suitable prince is elected. If the father dies or is dead, the prince's mother inherits him. Next in line are his uncles or aunts, by order of birth.
Map of Sabersycha
Sabersycha, also known as the land of the seven sons, is a Prasri principality in northeastern Epeoris.

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