Arasilisch Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


Arasilisch are the people that came from the Nahrso Empire and built House Arasil, which then became after the The Narsilian Civil War, the Kingdom of Arasil. For an Arasilian, honor is everything.   Like the Narsilisch, they have a long life span of 300 years.

Naming Traditions

Family names

The Family names often are coming from great deeds of their ancestors, with many of them from Celestial, Draconic or Elvish origins.


Major language groups and dialects

During the ages, a common phrase for arasilians, are to describe traitors or liars as Ettins.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Arasilian view Elvish, Draconic and Celestial as part of their origins with many of them emphasizing another portion.

Shared customary codes and values

The Arasilians are adept equestrians and hold a deep affection for horses. Their bond with these creatures is so strong that some say they could even summon them through their thoughts when bound by friendship. Drawing inspiration from the Elves, the Arasilians hone their skills in forging various weapons like swords, axes, spears, lances, knives, with a particular emphasis on bows. Their arrows, resembling dark clouds, rained down upon their adversaries.   The Arasilians excel in the art of husbandry, breeding magnificent horses that freely roam the expansive plains of Araso-Lond.   A profound passion of the Arasilian is directed towards the sea and the construction of colossal ships. The majority of these ships are commissioned under the directive of Pearlwing Armada, who also founded the Guild of Venturers.

Common Etiquette rules

The tradition known as Moment of reflection among the Arasilians involve standing in a moment of quiet contemplation, just before meals. This contemplation is mostly used by Monks, holy people and knights of the realm with few prayers said with it.

Art & Architecture

Arasilian's legacy etched in stone, the early Arasilian wielded their forefathers' mastery like a weapon. Towering cities rose from barren plains, testaments to a people who tamed wilderness with chisel and hammer. Sil-Amas, their first crown jewel, boasts bridges of stone that straddled the mighty river, its houses and towers reaching for the sun.

Coming of Age Rites

The Arasilians, those with money send their children to study important and aquire something out of draconic or elvish or celestial origins. Those with no money, often burrow it or are helped by the The Silver Chalice, so all people will be equal and able to witness the Arasilian heritage.


Beauty Ideals

The Arasilians are black haired with many having brown hairs. Less than 10% of them are blondes and some of them are silver haired, due to their intermingling with Celestials from Heiligstes König Reich Celtira.
Arasilian Woman
  The Arasilian take pride in their head hair, often grooming it as it is a sign of vitality in the eyes of many of them. Even Men take pride in a long hair and only consider taking it off for their occupation.

Courtship Ideals

Arasilian cultures dicate that there vows during the marriage ceremony: Arasilian vows are sometime said in Elvish or Celestial.   Love letters, especially of a risque nature, are commonly exchanged between lovers.

Relationship Ideals

Arasilian courtship tends to be more reserved and thoughtful compared to other cultures, like the flamboyant Bafigornians. When it comes to finding a lifetime partner, they prioritize meaningful connections and shared values. After reaching adulthood, some engage in a lifelong commitment known as "bonding", marked by mutual respect and understanding. While the intricacies of this practice remain private, it's known that exchanging small gifts can symbolize the strength of their bond.   Regarding same-sex relationships, the Arasilian seem to hold a closed and rarely accepting stance. Moreover, they disapprove of individuals who choose not to have children, as family and lineage hold great importance within their duchies structure.   Some duchies do practice arranged marriages, often based on compatibility and shared goals for the community's future. However, individual preferences and consent always play a vital role in such arrangements.   One important aspect of Arasilian culture is their emphasis on preserving their arasilian heritage. This can lead to disapproval of interspecies relationships except for elven or celestial, as offspring often inherit physical characteristics from the non-arasilian parent.


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