Highlanders Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil


The Highlanders was an elite formation within the Kingdom of Kavir's military whose members were rumored to be immortal. Undefeated, the formation was comprised of the best fighters and reconnaissance specialists throughout the Kaviri Highlands; at the time, rumors regarding their alleged immortality were so prevalent that they were more akin to common knowledge. Highlanders were perceived as the quintessence of Kaviri ideals, and they still hold cultural significance in Kaviri and Saltisian societies three centuries after the formation's disbandment.   It was reestablished as an elite formation under the Kingdom of Saltis seperate from the Saltisian Armed Forces in 971 AB.


Highlanders were utilized for reconnaissance, infiltration and sabotage, all of which in hostile territory; due to the solitary and independent nature of their missions, they were required to act with no little to no support. In order to fulfill their duty, they were put through the most notoriously grueling training regimes in recorded history, and inspired the training regime of the Baatartanri. Unsurprisingly, they were considered to be some of the strongest warriors in Kavir.   During the earliest days of the Kaviri Civil War the vast majority of military leaders were former highlanders, with most Kaviri earls being their descendants when Kavir was reconquered by the Kadian Dominion. With the formation itself fractured, the title of "highlander" lost its original meaning and began referring to the right hand person of earls.
For their loyal service, those highlanders were given lands and titles, forming a new class of semi-nobility within Kaviri society.   Over the years, the skills and expertise acquired during their training became ideals for future generations to aspire towards. The regimes, once intended to prepare a highlander for clandestine operations, became traditions and rites of passage for ylänkömaa, and they are largely considered as the kaviri equivalent of knights.
Special Forces
Early 6th century or late 5th century AB;
Late 10th century.
Early weeks of the Kaviri Civil War.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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