Baatartanri Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil

Baatartanri (Ba-atar-tan-r(iu))

The Baatartanri (singular and plural) is an elite unit of the Yokun Empire that serves as the personal bodyguards of the God King.



The baatartanri carry special magical rods, that are able to transform into a different weapon depending on the situation: a sword, mace, spear, or bow. Additionally, they wield axes and heavy adamentium shields.


Baatartanri undergo rigorous training over 3 years, during which they are conditioned to lose their fear of death or injury; this conditioning includes psychological and physical torture, being intentionally infected with disease and being forced to fight while ill, and denouncing their former family and friends.   The final step of their training includes partaking in the Ikh Taşımai, after which they immediately start a forced march of 130 km over 4 days carrying their standard equipment; this march ends in a ceremony in Sharakzizir where they swear fealty to the god king, followed by a grand feast.



Historically, baatartanri were recruited exclusively from Diilenkharis. In recent years however, they began recruiting also from the the ranks of the Jargakhaasi; this change was implemented when Ebegei Chogeris, a renowned jargakhaas warleader, bested a baatartanri in single combat despite her inferior skill in melee.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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