Andorian Inquisition Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Andorian Inquisition

Caring for the unfortunate and downtrodden masses is not our duty.
We are faced with the daunting task of safeguarding mortal lives.
Do not stand in the path of the righteous and faithful and pure.   For you too shall be driven before the sight of great Agusten.   You have been warned. You are being watched. You shall be judged.
All pay their rightly sum.
— St. Albertius Magalis, Founder of the Inquisiton
The Andorian Inquisition is the executive arm of the Andorian Church, used to combat all that is heresy and evil in the eyes of the church. Its members are trained in dealing with necromancy, curses, magical afflictions and other forms of profanities. The inquisition holds full legal juristicion in the Kadian Dominion, limited legal juristicion in Argemonte and the Corgomuran Free Cities, and tentative jursitiction in Tutachin, Grausur, and in territories of the Northshore Alliance. They maintain representatives in the Kingdom of Agy due to the kingdom's considerable minority of Andorian practitioners, but hold no legal authority.


The Inquisition has a very clear and rigid structure. The professional forces, the Venatores, operates with flexible, yet organically grown squads, joined by commanding officers who advance in a parallel branch. In cases of long deployment, a squad of Venatores may rotate through several commanding officers but rarely change the core members of the team.  

Judiciary and Legislation

The inquisition has no formal legislative body and most of its laws are open to interpretation by the inquisitors; this is by design, as inquisitors are expected to adapt and thrive in extreme circumstances due to them dealing with unconventional threats. In rare cases, the Cardinal of the Inquisition or the Inquirer Primus may implement a new law. Prior to the War of the Cleric, said laws had to be approved by Arch Priest; however, as Kairoz the Andorian grew in power and influence, so did the inquisition. Currently its members aren't subservient to the ecclesiastical wing nor its members, with the sole exception of the inquisition's cardinal answering to the arch priest. However, even before this rise in power members of the inquisition were trialed by their superiors, keeping the occurrence of any offense and misdemeanor within the inquisition. Major offenses, or public ones, were examined by a varying number of judges, ranging anywhere from five to thirteen. Among the norms that still remain is ordained inquisitors being conceived as somewhat infallible, and can only be trialed by a body of no less than 3 of their superiors.   Within the Kingdom of Ader, the inquisition serves as the kingdom's judiciary system.  

Chain of Command

  • Cardinal of the Inquisition
    The Cardinal of the Inquisition is the supreme commander of the Andorian Inquisition. The cardinal is appointed by the assembly of bishops in complete concensus. Once appointed, they answer only to the arch priest himself and are otherwise completely outside the church's hierarchy.
    • Inquirer Primus
      One is appointed for each major geopolitical entity, another is in charge of external affairs with minor powers. Oversees and responsible for any and all divine court appeals in their jurisdiction, with various freedoms delegated to their commands.
      • Inquirer
        Appointed to oversee kingdoms and large jurisdictional regions. Answering solely to the Inquirer Primus of their parent region, inquirers work to uproot heresy and offer invaluable advisement for the highest seats of power.
        • High Inquisitor
          The bridge between the Inquisition, their ground forces and the general populace. High Inquisitors are responsible for a relatively small jurisdictional area, usually a duchy or a major city. This is the highest rank to serve as a commanding field officer, although actual field work is usually done by Inquisitors. A High Inquisitor also serves a monthly mass in their area's church.
          • Inquisitor
            Inquisitors serve as field officers tasked with resolving legal and divine matters. They can operate alone but it is rare and frowned upon. Usually an Inquisitor will be in charge of a specialized ring of Venatores, suited for their task. Though in the past inquisitors held little to no jurisdiction, currently inquisitors are legally qualified to serve as judge, jury, and executioner.
      • Venator Praestans
        One is deployed for each major political Entity. The Venator Praestans is in charge of the day to day operation, deployment, training and composition of the Venatores rings under their jurisdiction. This is the highest rank a Venator may achieve without inquisitorial training, and is considered to be as powerful as a high inquisitor.
        • Venator
          Venatores are leymen who have undergone extensive training and gained expertise in one of five fields. Venatores serve in their selected field and advance in rank and expertise as rings. Rings of higher ranks or of special expertise are sent to more dangerous operations, but are also being compensated more, both in living conditions and in pay. All members of the Venatores are as such by choice. They come from all walks of life, and they must be well known as devout and religious.



Public Agenda

The Inquisition's public agenda consists of two stated goals: To uncover, punish and prevent heresy; And to elicit confessions from common folk who wish to unburden their sins. However, heresy is a wide term and is up for interpretation and confessions may be, and sometimes are, elicited forcefully. Common subjects labeled as heresy include:
  • Adherence to tenets of another faith such as the Fifth Dogma.
  • Undermining the Andorian Church, the Inquisition, or any of their divine institutions.
  • Apostasy (unlicensed usage of magic).
  • The discussion and philosophy regarding:
    • Death and the various forms of Immortality.
    • The myths of The Raven Queen, the Marquesses in the Shadows, Bardalaga the Witch or any similar abominations.

Lux et Justitia

Founding Date
405 AB
Religious, Inquisitorial
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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