Iron Fortress Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Iron Fortress

Gruumsh's divine realm is the Iron Fortress on the cube of Nishrek in Acheron. Gruumsh rules three of the cube's sides directly, while Bahgtru rules two of the sides and Ilneval rules the remaining side. The fortress towns of Rotting Eye, White Hand, and Three Fang all lie under Gruumsh's direct control, while Baghtru controls Iron Fist and Broken Skull, and Ilneval controls Blood Armor. Luthic's realm, and the settlement of Black Claw, is said to lie in the cube's heart, where she waits in the darkness and sends forth plagues.   Gruumsh shares his home in the Iron Fortress with his son Bahgtru and his lieutenant Ilneval.   Nishrek is riddled with tunnels for the orcish troops to dwell in. They are chaotically arranged, and the tunnels meander; the streets and trenches of Nishrek wind and meander, the strongholds set haphazardly. Nishrek is scored with four deep trenches on its sides and two more in the center to form a cross. Ghouls and worse are said to haunt the deep lower passages. In each orcish city, the four quarters of the town all surround the central eye and pyramid of Gruumsh's great temple.   Orcs and their allies - orogs, ogres, ogrillions, and sometimes yugoloth mercenaries - are the only creatures tolerated here.   Ilneval rules the warriors with a fortress town on one of Nishrek's faces, the Blood Armor clan. His forces are often content to battle against the goblinoid legions of Clangor.
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