Bahgtru Character in Theras | World Anvil

Bahgtru (BOG-troo)

The Son of Gruumsh is the awesomely stupid god of equally incredible might, who scorns all arms and armaments or workings of magic and values only physical strength. He is said to challenge and battle all manner of archetypal beasts and roam the planes tearing the landscape asunder
  Bahgtru is the the Orc god of pure, physical strength and patron of the average Orc, a deity as awesomely strong as he was utterly oafish. As the son of the mighty Gruumsh and the formidable Luthic, he embodies the ferocious might that orcs unleash upon their enemies. He inspires his followers with the image of an orc warrior, wielding their strength with devastating efficiency and unwavering loyalty to the tribe.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Church itself is unorganized and they function within the clans, tribes. They usually stand as champions of strength and serve the shamans and divine members of the tribe there under Luthic's church or Gruumsh's Clergy. Bahgtru's path of destruction attracts followers like scavengers drawn to a feeding frenzy. They exploit the chaos he creates to their own advantage. Those who operate in the Leg-Breaker's name believe in overcoming cunning tactics and stubborn defenses with sheer, brute force. Ogres and other powerful beings pay homage to his raw power, finding him a kindred spirit. Tanarukks, the orc-demon hybrids, who value strength above all else and readily serve orc leaders without much thought, are particularly drawn to Bahgtru's worship. They are typically the most aggressive and powerful members of their tribes.  

Priestly Vestments

Bahgtru's clergy adheres to a philosophy of raw power reflected in their attire. Ideally, they wear only loincloths, rejecting the perceived weakness of armor and shields. However, practicality sometimes prevails, allowing for studded leather armor in extreme situations. Weapons are chosen based on personal preference, but studded leather gauntlets are a favored option, further emphasizing their focus on brutal hand-to-hand combat.  


Within the main cavern of an orc tribe devoted to Bahgtru lies a grisly shrine. A towering pile of broken femurs serves as a monument to their god's raw power. It's a constant reminder of Bahgtru's relentless pursuit of strength and his crushing dominance over enemies. Despite the harsh environment outside the stronghold's main entrance, many Bahgtru worshippers choose to live in crude fortifications there. This seemingly illogical practice has a noble purpose – to act as a buffer zone, protecting the tribe's elders and vulnerable members who reside within.

Tenets of Faith

  • The strong have a duty to prove their dominance and hone their physical prowess through constant training and competition. Weakness diminishes the tribe, and only the strongest deserve Gruumsh's favor.
  • Complete mental obedience is owed to tribal leadership, with the clergy of Bahgtru subservient to that of Gruumsh. However, dominance over other priests within the clan is encouraged. Bahgtru's blessings flow strongest to those who lead elite warriors, serving as the chief's bodyguards until death or defeat in physical challenge. This loyalty extends only to the clan itself.
  • Just as internal competition strengthens the tribe, so too does conflict between clans benefit the entire orc race. Bahgtru's clergy actively seeks to convert other clans to his worship.
  • Legends depict Bahgtru riding a mighty bull into battle. In his honor, warriors revere aurochs, training them as fierce mounts from a young age. These creatures are considered sacred symbols imbued with Bahgtru's spirit, never to be harmed or eaten, but honored as warriors upon death.
  • Bahgtru disdains intellect and favors brute force. Cunning undermines the tribe's true strength and is actively discouraged.
  • Followers of Bahgtru dedicate themselves to near-constant physical training. Young males are subjected to similar harsh regimens to ensure the overall might of the clan.
  • Orcs prove their worthiness of Gruumsh's gaze through brutal competitions against tribe members, unprovoked aggression, and battlefield dominance.
  • Ignorance is not a flaw but a virtue. Overly complicated thinking weakens resolve. Focus is placed on physical dominance rather than intellectual pursuits.
  • Clan rivalries are encouraged. Just as internal competition strengthens the tribe, so too does conflict between clans benefit the entire orc race.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Towering over mortals at a staggering 16 feet tall, Bahgtru embodies orcish strength in its purest form. His body is a testament to relentless training and battle, a colossus of rippling muscles encased in dirty tan skin. Dull green eyes, cold and unforgiving, pierce from beneath a heavy brow. Two massive tusks, polished white from a lifetime of gnawing on bones, protrude from his lower jaw, a constant reminder of his savagery.   Bahgtru, even not a mighty power as Yesugei or Kord, his avatars and even his true self, is physically more powerful than those two.  
Forebodings of Bahgtru's presence can manifest in chilling ways. A sudden, splitting headache, known as "Bahgtru's Pat", grips the unfortunate soul, a taste of the relentless pain he embodies. Ominous howls that echo through the night, and the unsettling snap of unseen bones, are also harbingers of the Leg-Breaker's wrath.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bahgtru is infamous for his lack of intellect. Legends paint him as laughably simple, easily outsmarted by even the most cunning mortals. His dependence on others is undeniable – even sending an avatar requires outside prompting. Despite this, his fury is a force to be reckoned with. He understands insults keenly, and those who deceive him face a brutal reckoning. Furthermore, while lacking in wit, Bahgtru possesses immense strength, often exceeding expectations. In the heat of battle, he experiences surges of raw power that leave opponents breathless. His thick hide renders most weaponry useless, and magic attempts to weaken him simply fail.   Strangely enough, since the fall of the Nahrso Empire Empire and somewhere after the Battle of Fates, He is mentioned and also worshiped by Half-Giants for his incredible strength in the Confederacy of Siril

Personality Characteristics


Unchained, Bahgtru becomes a whirlwind of destruction. He roams battlefields, from the age-old orc-goblin conflicts to clashes against monstrous leviathans, seeking only a worthy opponent. The very land trembles beneath his heavy tread as he carves a path of devastation across the planes. His actions are impulsive, driven by a primal urge to test his might. While lacking in strategic planning, his fury is a force to be reckoned with. Those who attempt to manipulate him for their own gain tread a perilous path, for his wrath can turn on them as easily as his focus. Ultimately, Bahgtru's loyalty lies with his father, Gruumsh, the One-Eyed God. He fights alongside Gruumsh or carries out his commands, serving as a brutal extension of his father's will. Other powerful servants of Gruumsh might also hold some sway over the Leg-Breaker, directing his raw power towards specific targets.   Nicknamed "The Fist of Gruumsh", Bahgtru embodies the orcish love for close combat. He charges into battle, pummeling foes with his bare hands. His strategy is simple but brutal – stunning enemies with powerful blows and using them as shields against ranged attackers. This creates a chaotic maelstrom where escape is nearly impossible. He then unleashes a devastating repertoire of throws, slams, and crushes, pulverizing opponents with his unmatched physical prowess. While his tactics lack finesse, their sheer effectiveness is undeniable.


Contacts & Relations

Within the Orcish Pantheon
Despite his fearsome reputation, Bahgtru inspires a mix of awe and trepidation among his fellow orc deities. His raw power is undeniable, making him a valuable asset in times of war. The other gods call upon him without hesitation when brute force is required.   Bahgtru embodies unwavering loyalty, particularly towards his father, Gruumsh. He follows Gruumsh's often nonsensical commands without question. This blind obedience can be comical at times, as exemplified by the incident where they destroyed a rock that stubbed Bahgtru's toe. Gruumsh, more concerned with pride than practicality, declared it a victory over nature.   Gruumsh's other war lieutenant, Ilneval the Crafty Warrior, presents a complex dynamic. While cunning and nearly as strong as Bahgtru, Ilneval harbors a mix of resentment and fear towards the Leg-Breaker. He avoids Bahgtru whenever possible and only extraordinary circumstances would force him to work alongside him. Ilneval secretly undermines Bahgtru, fueled by ambition and a desire for power.   Gruumsh, aware of Ilneval's self-serving nature, finds him untrustworthy. However, as long as Bahgtru remains at his side, Gruumsh tolerates Ilneval's presence. This precarious balance keeps the orc pantheon from fracturing. Luthic, Gruumsh's wife and Bahgtru's mother, stands as a stabilizing force. She is one of the few who can reason with both Gruumsh and Bahgtru. Her cunning allows her to manipulate them to achieve her goals. Both Bahgtru and Gruumsh trust Luthic implicitly, with Bahgtru showing a stronger bond with his mother. If forced to choose between their commands, Bahgtru would follow Luthic's wishes, a minor rebellion Gruumsh grudgingly accepts.   Nyxgaas, and Yurtrus, represent ideologies at odds with Bahgtru's love of open warfare. An unspoken truce exists between them, a shared desire to counterbalance the influence of the orcish war gods, including Bahgtru.  
Goblinoid Pantheon
Bahgtru holds an unwavering grudge against the Goblinoid Pantheon. While awaiting his father's command to attack, he yearns for a rematch with Nomog-Geaya. Bahgtru also remembers past clashes with Khurgorbaeyag, and Hruggek. Their cunning tactics and weaker forms fuel his disdain.  
Other Deities
While not possessing the intellect to grasp complex schemes, Bahgtru instinctively distrusts deities of deception. Masech, find his plans disrupted by Bahgtru's blunt interventions.
The Leg Breaker;
The Strong;
The Fist of Gruumsh;
The Son of Gruumsh;
The Crafty Warrior;
Son of Strife;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Chaotic Evil
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Brute strength, loyalty, stupidity, martial skill, war
Destruction (Hatred, Rage), Orc, Strength, War )Blood, Duels)
Broken thigh bone
Barbarians, orcs that followed others, the physically strong, warriors, wrestlers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
"Crunch" (Spiked gauntlet)
Holy Days
Festival of Strength every full moon


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