Ilneval Character in Theras | World Anvil


Strength is as much a function of the mind as one's body. Train hard and think craftily in preparation for war, for all life is an endless battle.
— An excerpt from the doctrine of Ilneval
  Ilneval embodies the strategic side of orc warfare. A cunning leader who inspires fierce loyalty in his followers, he meticulously plans his campaigns to ensure victory. His focus on strategy and tactics makes him a natural patron for orcish offshoots like orogs and tanarukks, who combine orcish strength with cunning tactics.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The Church of Ilneval holds a revered position within orc society, surpassed only by the primacy of Gruumsh. These two faiths work in tandem, wielding their influence to solidify their dominance and suppress the rise of other religions. While Gruumsh's clergy holds the power to call forth the orcish horde, it's the temples of Ilneval that shoulder the crucial responsibility of forging a unified fighting force from the notoriously fractious orc tribes. While subservient to Gruumsh's clergy in name, the followers of Ilneval quietly strive for greater influence. They leverage military victories, particularly where Gruumsh's priests faltered, to bolster their image. Their focus on charismatic leadership and battlefield prowess resonates more with younger generations. Unlike Gruumsh's priests who directly lead troops, Ilneval's clergy act as strategists and officers. They emphasize tactics, resource management, and exploiting enemy weaknesses. This focus on planning makes them the closest thing most tribes have to an educated caste. In rare instances where they displace Gruumsh's priests, the most powerful Ilneval priest naturally becomes the tribe chief.  

Day-to-Day Activities

Ilneval's priests constantly train themselves and their warriors, assessing individual strengths and weaknesses for optimal battlefield deployment. They strategize for future battles, particularly against rivals, and seize opportunities to undermine them, as long as it doesn't endanger the tribe.   These priests maintain contact with brethren in other tribes, sharing information about external threats. This doesn't impede inter-tribal conflict, as they believe in weeding out the weak. However, if a major external threat arises, they advocate temporary alliances to ensure orcish survival. Once the threat is neutralized, they happily return to their intertribal rivalries.  


Iron Disciples
Aspiring Ilneval followers begin their journey as Iron Disciples, learning the basics of warfare and devotion to their god.  
War Champions
Upon demonstrating their commitment and martial prowess, Iron Disciples earn the title of War Champion, who wield divine power to guide and empower the orcish hordes.  
Masters of War
Priests specializing in specific warfare aspects are called Strategists (tactics and planning), Warlords (direct combat leadership), and Shatterers (brutal warriors wielding Ilneval's destructive might).  
Warlord Prime
The most powerful Master of War, known as the Warlord Prime, oversees the entire Ilnevalic clergy and coordinates tribal activities during a horde formation. Lower ranking priests include Tribal Emissaries (chief Ilnevalan priest in a tribe) and War Captains (titles like "Riven Skull War Captain" or "Burnt Dwarf War Captain" signify tribal affiliation).  
Field Command
Leading orcish formations on the battlefield are Banner Captains (sword specialization), Axe Captains (axe specialization), Pathfinders (scouting and infiltration), and Spear Sergeants (leading spear-wielding formations).  
Shamans and Witch Doctors
While not part of the official hierarchy, shamans (more common) and witch doctors serve as respected "Brothers of the Faith", offering guidance and bolstering orcish warriors through spiritual practices.  

Priestly Vestments

During ceremonies and significant events, Ilneval's priests don a distinctive garb. They wear chainmail armor and metal helmets, both adorned in a vivid crimson – the color of fresh blood and a potent symbol of their god's fury. Many embellish their attire with flowing red robes or cloaks, further emphasizing their martial devotion. The priests proudly display their connection to Ilneval through their holy symbol. This can be their broadsword, a weapon wielded in countless battles. Alternatively, they may choose a shattered fragment of an enemy leader's weapon, a stark reminder of a personal victory and a testament to their prowess. These trophies are typically worn on a chain around the neck, a constant reminder of their god's favor and their own martial accomplishments.   When the drums of war thunder, Ilneval's priests march forth clad in their ceremonial armor. They favor this attire not only for its symbolic power, but also for its practicality in battle. However, should superior armor be available, they readily adopt it for the sake of battlefield efficiency. One caveat remains: any armor donned, besides their crimson chainmail, must be ritually painted red before it can be worn into battle. This act signifies their unwavering dedication to the Son of Strife and ensures their presence inspires fear and bloodshed on the battlefield.  


Clerics and adepts of Ilneval offer their prayers at dusk, seeking divine guidance and strength for the coming battle. The Church of Ilneval observes few formal rituals. They view victory celebrations as distractions and past glories as irrelevant. Failure, on the other hand, is seen as a lapse in planning, execution, or orcish ferocity.   Regular prayers and offerings are personal acts of devotion, seeking Ilneval's guidance for future battles. Organized services are rare, with the exception of major conflicts. When such significant battle looms, Ilneval's priests gather to extol the god's leadership and prowess on the battlefield. They beseech his blessing, hoping to emulate his skills and secure victory.   The grandest gatherings occur when Gruumsh calls for the formation of a unified orc horde. While Gruumsh's clergy initiates this call, Ilneval's priests orchestrate and lead the assembled forces, relishing the opportunity to showcase their strategic brilliance. This is one of the few occasions where the two orcish faiths collaborate with minimal friction. The exact timing of these horde formations varies greatly depending on the world. However, the beginning of spring, with its promise of renewed energy after a long winter, is a common choice.   Sacrifices to Ilneval typically include captured weapons and armor as trophies of victory, along with the blood of conquered warriors and slaves.

Tenets of Faith

  • The Sharpened Mind
    True strength lies in both honed muscles and a cunning mind. Train your body for war, but also cultivate strategic thinking, for all life is a battlefield.
  • Unity in the Storm
    A tribe fractured is a tribe defeated. Forge your people into a unified force, a raging storm that sweeps away all opposition. Strength lies in numbers, but only if those numbers move as one.
  • Fearless Fury
    When the clash of steel rings out, meet the enemy head-on. Let courage be your shield and unwavering determination your weapon. Spill blood without hesitation, for only through fearless action can you claim victory.
  • Leadership Through Valor
    True leaders are forged in the fires of battle. Prove your worth by charging into the fray, inspiring others with your bravery. It is through personal courage that you earn the right to command.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ilneval, a towering orc of nine feet, embodies unwavering resolve. His perpetual scowl and battle-scarred visage speak of a life dedicated to war. Far from repulsive, these marks of experience solidify his leadership in the eyes of his orc followers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ilneval was Gruumsh's first lieutenant and right hand, and allowed no challenges to his position, systematically stopping any potential rival following his release by Kord beginning from Kord's Assault on Ysgard. However, since Kord took the Aspect, he is considered a powerful foe that Kord enjoy for the thrill of battle. He doesn't do as Gruumsh orders, except when the concept combat is promised.   Ilneval's past is shrouded in whispers of ambition and power struggles. Legends speak of him toppling or weakening one or two orc gods, crushing demigods, and diminishing the influence of others in his relentless climb. This ruthless pursuit stems from a deeply guarded secret: his desire for Gruumsh's throne. For ages, Ilneval has harbored a yearning to usurp the One-Eyed God, to become the ultimate leader of the orcs.

Personality Characteristics


Ilneval embodies the orcish ideal of bold leadership. He charges into battle with fearless determination, his focus unwavering – the utter destruction of his enemies. He inspires bravery in his followers, loathing cowardice and underhanded tactics. However, this bravado masks a cunning mind.   Ilneval is no mere berserker. Before the clash, he meticulously crafts elaborate strategies to maximize his chances of victory and inflict maximum carnage upon his foes. His brilliance lies in his ability to combine battlefield audacity with strategic foresight.   Ilneval prioritizes meticulous planning and strategy before the clash. However, once battle commences, he transforms into a fearless leader, charging at the forefront, his mind focused solely on vanquishing his enemies. But Ilneval is no mere berserker. His sharp wit allows him to exploit enemy weaknesses on the fly, making him the closest thing to a contemplative deity in the orcish pantheon.   Ilneval harbors a flicker of interest in seeing the orcs unite against common foes. However, this is not a core belief. He recognizes the value of intertribal conflict as a means to weed out the weak, ensuring a stronger overall orcish race.


Contacts & Relations

Within the Orcish Pantheon
As Gruumsh's Lieutenant, Ilneval steps in to command the orcish hordes whenever the One-Eyed God is preoccupied. This makes him the operational mind behind Gruumsh's brutal fury. Unlike Gruumsh, who champions chieftains and Bahgtru, Ilneval's domain lies with the battlefield tacticians and war party leaders. However, in the years since Kord took that Aspect, sometimes Ilneval declines the request of Gruumsh unless he could relish in a battle well contested.   Gruumsh, ever vigilant, is keenly aware of Ilneval's ambition. The Crafty Warrior's hunger for power fuels a deep distrust in Gruumsh's eyes. However, the presence of Bahgtru, Gruumsh's loyal and fearsome son, provides a measure of comfort. Ilneval harbors a paralyzing fear of Bahgtru's brutality. As long as the Leg-Breaker remains Gruumsh's unwavering champion, Ilneval keeps his own ambitions in check, maintaining a facade of loyalty. This uneasy balance keeps Gruumsh from taking drastic action against the Crafty Warrior.   Ilneval's relationship with Bahgtru is a complex mix of fear and resentment. He both fears the stronger deity and harbors a secret grudge for being kept in check by him. This fear manifests in Ilneval's avoidance of Bahgtru, opting for solo operations whenever possible. All the while, Ilneval works subtly to undermine Bahgtru's influence.   Lurking in the shadows are Nyxgaas and Yurtrus. These sinister deities harbor a cold, unspoken alliance. Their goal - to counterbalance the overwhelming influence of the war gods, including Gruumsh, Bahgtru, and Ilneval. Nyxgaas, who surpasses even Ilneval in cunning, plays a particularly manipulative role. He secretly reveals Ilneval's plots to Gruumsh, aiming to weaken both the War Maker and solidify his own position within the pantheon. While Ilneval despises their dishonorable tactics, he recognizes the value of their skills in conflicts against other pantheons, and is shrewd enough to exploit them to his advantage.  
Despite his internal conflicts within the orc pantheon, Ilneval remains fiercely loyal to his race. He harbors a deep-seated hatred for the traditional orcish enemies – the Goblinoid gods, The Seldarine, Morndinsamman and others. This unwavering loyalty ensures he would never betray the orcs as a whole. In fact, history records him fighting alongside Bahgtru against Khurgorbaeyag and Hruggek.   Ilneval's past holds a murky secret – a challenge with Kord, the god of war. Legends whisper of Kord overpowering Ilneval during The Gods War and somehow absorbing his essence, making him a more potent deity. While the orcish pantheon suspects treachery, they have come to accept the stronger Ilneval, valuing his strategic brilliance and willingness to lead them into battle.
The Warbringer;
Banner of Conquest;
The Lieutenant of Gruumsh;
The War-Mind;
Son of Strife;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power, Aspect of Kord
Neutral Evil
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Combat, Orc crossbreeds, overwhelming numbers, martial skill, strategy, war
Community (Cooperation), Destruction (Hatred), Evil (Cannibalism, Devil, Fear, Kytron), Orc, War (Blood, Tactics)
Upright, blood-spattered sword
Barbarians, fighters, ogrillons, orcs, tanarukks
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days


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