Kilford Character in Theras | World Anvil


Kilford from Abaisgar, was a well known knight in both Rich Shore of Abaisgar and later on, continued to serve the Crown of Keatis.   Kilfrod had established his legacy, after him and his party of adventurers, tracked down criminals who made an alliance with Giant Tribes. This alliance even reached the Barony of Biazzan and on a battle on a bridge of Kerendas, Kilford and his party members held off the bridge on their own, slaying many soldiers and giants.   This battle of the Kerendas Ford, as was know, had given the Kilfrod a knighthood and parch of lands.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Gylevail 4
Date of Death
Kankajak 28
945 AB 1000 AB 55 years old
Aligned Organization


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