Abaisgrian Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


The Abaisgrians are a mix of many cultures as they are the main trade hub of the whole of Rakion. Though from there the Neo-Menedynns orignated, the Abaisgrians do not longer consider themselves to be Menedynns as they see themselves as the best of all cultures and ethnicity. They welcome all, however, their lands are not entirely populated by them and they act with severe hand against all those that want to consume their proud merchant heritage.  
An Abaisgrian woman
Variant Abaisgarian:
An Abaisgrian woman


Shared customary codes and values

As the goddess of good luck, Avandra is believed to bless the endeavors of traders, merchants, and those seeking fortune. Her followers invoke her name and offer prayers for prosperous voyages, successful business ventures, and favorable outcomes in their dealings. The people of Abaisgar attribute their economic success and favorable trade conditions to Avandra's blessings and favor.   Trade is not only seen as a means of generating wealth but also as a spiritual practice and a way to honor Avandra. Merchants and traders often make offerings to Avandra at the start of their journeys, seeking her guidance and protection throughout their travels. Temples dedicated to Avandra are adorned with symbols of luck, prosperity, and trade, serving as gathering places for merchants to seek her blessings and express their gratitude.   Avandra's influence extends beyond matters of trade and luck. She is also revered as a goddess of freedom, encouraging individuals to embrace opportunities, take risks, and seize their own destiny. The people of Abaisgar see Avandra as a patron of personal initiative and entrepreneurship, fostering a culture of innovation and ambition within their mercantile society.   While Avandra takes the central role in the religious practices of the Rich Shore of Abaisgar, the pantheon of the Arqmati and Neomen Pantheon is still respected and celebrated.
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