Draconic Pantheon Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Draconic Pantheon

The Draconic pantheon is a group of dragon deities who are worshipped by many true dragons and other reptilian species. Its best known members include Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon and god of the good-aligned metallic dragons; and Tiamat, progenitor of the evil chromatic dragons.   The Draconic pantheon is the oldest pantheon of gods in Theras. Dragons of that time were devout followers of their gods, and such devotion sparked intense wars, over philosophical differences not only between different species but also within species.     Members   There are eleven primary members of the Draconic pantheon.
  • Aasternian, a chaotic neutral female brass dragon, serves as Messenger of Io.
  • Astilabor, the Hoardmistress, The Aquisitor is the neutral Draconic god of wealth and acquisition. Astilabor is the only goddess of the Draconic Pantheon which was absorbed by Avandra, known also as the Angharradh, the Elven goddess. Astilabor was absorbed after invading the Elven pantheon, specifically, the feywilds where many Eldarins and Elves lived.
  • Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon, is the god of the good-aligned metallic dragons. He is particularly revered by gold, silver and brass dragons, though all good-aligned dragons hold some reverence for Bahamut, and even evil-aligned have grudging respect his strength. He is the God of justice in all the wide world, thus taking his place among the mortal races.
  • Chronepsis, the Watcher, is a disinterested neutral deity of fate and death.
  • Falazure, the Deathwyrm, Guardian of the Lost, Night Dragon, Reaver, is the neutral evil dragon god of Undeath and decay.
  • Garyx, All-Destroyer, Cleanser of Worlds, Firelord, is a chaotic evil red dragon god of destruction.
  • Hlal, the Jester, is a chaotic good copper dragon goddess of storytelling and humor.
  • Io, The World Shape, The Greater Eternal Wheel, Creator of Dragonkind, The God of Magic and Knowledge. the Ninefold Dragon, is the progenitor of the dragon gods. The other members of the pantheon are his offspring. All true dragons ultimately trace their lineage to Io.
  • Lendys, Scale of Justice, the Balancer, Weigher of Lives, The Guardian, is the lawful neutral god of balance, justice and protection, whose duty is to avenge wrongs committed against dragonkind.
  • Tamara, Her Beneficience, Her Mercy, is the neutral good Draconic goddess of mercy.
  • Task, The Taker and Holder, Wrester
  • Tiamat is the progenitor of the evil chromatic dragons. Green and blue dragons revere her most readily, though all chromatic dragons respect her as their creator.
Worship Members of the Draconic pantheon are primarily worshipped by true dragons. Unlike the common Human religions, there are few organized religious practices among dragons, and individual practices vary. Worship of the entire Draconic pantheon as a group is rare, and few dragons become clerics of their deity.   Not all dragons even worship a deity, although it is common for them to at least hold a level of reverence for the Draconic gods, even though   Among the humanoid races, there are many cults of worship to Draconic deities. Such worship is most common among reptilian species, including half-dragons, lizardfolk, and troglodytes.   However, in the last two thousands years, different cultures adopted the dragon gods, by their true names. However, most of the dragons like Hlal, are worshiped as Adis.
Religious, Pantheon
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