The Pridelands Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

The Pridelands

The Pridelands are the divine realm of Safwah, the deity of lions and other felines and Leonin.
This realm is located in Krigala, the daylight layer of the plane in The Beastlands.
The Pridelands are said to be a vast savannah, dotted by groves of trees. Amidst one of these groves of trees is a permanent portal that connected the realm of Tarren Hills.  
This divine realm is primarily inhabited by members of Safwah's Great Pride, lammasu and wemics, as well as his petitioners. Safwah's humanoid petitioners would gradually take on animal traits, particularly those of felines. And over the course of centuries, they transform into celestial animals. The sole exception to this are Safwah's wemic petitioners, who maintain their mortal forms indefinitely.


The Pridelands were created in the aftermath of The Gods War, with Safwah having created the permanent portal that connected the divine realm to his longstanding territory on the Prime Material, the Tarren Hills.
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