Kurtulmak Character in Theras | World Anvil


By the point of Kurtulmak's spear and the tip of his poisonous tail, I will see every member of your family perish.
— A kobolod prayer
  Kurtulmak is the patron deity of the kobolds, and they claim he gave them life. After Kurtulmak created the kobolds and taught them the skills of thieving and pillaging, the gnomes entered into an eternal conflict with his creations, angering him.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Day-to-Day Activities
Priests of Kurtulmak, known as the Claws of Kurtulmak, dedicate their days to the dual pursuits of plunder and piety. Depending on their specialization, they either mastermind intricate mining operations, extracting precious metals and gems to fuel the kobold war machine, or meticulously plan ambushes, ensuring a steady flow of captives for their gruesome rituals.   The Claws also act as mediators, settling disputes between tribes and resolving conflicts within individual gens (kobold family units). For more serious internal matters, they defer to the chieftain's authority.   Surprisingly, the Claws are often the most skilled artisans within a gen. Their intimate knowledge of the metals and gems they unearth translates into a talent for crafting. While their craftsmanship surpasses that of other goblinoid races, it rarely matches the finesse of humans or demihumans.  
The choice of sacrifice follows a hierarchy. Deep Gnomes and Forest Gnomes, considered the most formidable kobold foes, are the most coveted offerings. Following them in value are brownies, pixies, and other faerie creatures, all seen as symbolic victories against the natural world.   Through these bloody rituals, intricate social roles, and surprising artistic talents, the Claws of Kurtulmak embody the core values of their deity: cunning, aggression, and an unwavering devotion to Kurtulmak, the patron of the kobolds./

Tenets of Faith

Take back the territory that rightfully belongs to kobolds from the hated gnomes and faerie creatures. Slay gnomes whenever possible for their insults upon Kurtulmak the Cunning. A quick wit and a good trap is a better weapon against a foe than any spear. Bravery and courage are overrated; a dirty win is still a win. Ambush and surprise your enemies, it gives the greatest chance of success. Revenge is the sweetest of victories. Always remember an insult, and always pay it back twice over. Kobolds are stronger together than they are apart. Dig and mine the earth, taking all it has to offer. Learn the ways of the earth, for that knowledge will help in struggles against enemies.


Veins of Sacrifice
Every month, under the eerie glow of a crescent Luna, the Claws conduct the ceromony. This gruesome ritual involves offering captives or slaves as sacrifices to honor their patron deity, Kurtulmak. Typically held outdoors during the warmer months, the ceremony is moved indoors if faced with harsh weather or unfavorable conditions.   The ritual begins with fervent chanting, lauding Kurtulmak as "Gnomebane" for his reputed enmity toward gnomes. Bound captives are presented and tied to an altar, where they are savagely killed with pickaxes. The rhythmic clanging of pickaxes against flesh creates a grim accompaniment to the chanted prayers, which emphasize mining and resource extraction.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Kurtulmak is not one for grand pronouncements. He prefers to subtly guide his followers through whispers in their dreams, daydreams, or moments of lowered consciousness. For urgent messages, he sends a rook, a small black bird, to speak directly to a priest. Once the message is delivered, the bird tragically succumbs to the exertion of channeling Kurtulmak's will.   On rare occasions, Kurtulmak manifests as a newly formed tunnel, a hidden passage leading a favored follower to safety or a specific objective. However, these safe havens come with a test. There's a 30% chance the tunnel is riddled with traps to assess the follower's cunning and instincts. These traps, often pit falls, rock falls, or collapsing walls, may even appear dynamically if the follower is under pursuit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Legend tells that after crafting the kobold race, Kurtulmak bestowed upon them the art of pilfering and plundering, skills they wield with unmatched enthusiasm. This divine favor, however, sparked an eternal conflict. The gnomes, a race known for their technological prowess and meticulous organization, found themselves constantly at odds with the kobolds' thievery. This unending clash has fueled Kurtulmak's rage, for the gnomes, with their superior martial tactics, often emerge victorious in these territorial disputes.   Despite these setbacks, the kobolds persist. Their unwavering loyalty to their tribes is a testament to their deity's influence. Those who excel at contributing to the tribe's survival are said to be blessed by Kurtulmak. Upon their demise, they are reborn anew, their cunning spirit finding its way into a fresh egg within the tribe's hatchery, ready to continue the cycle of thievery and tribal loyalty.

Personality Characteristics


Disobedience to his commands is met with swift punishment. Priests who fail to act on Kurtulmak's directives are stung by a magical poison mirroring the venom in his tail. They are often chosen for sacrifice during the next monthly ceremony, their souls offered back to Kurtulmak's realm, to appease the enraged deity.


Contacts & Relations

Kurtulmak is the sworn enemy of Garl Glittergold and the other Gnomish Pantheon.
The Watchger;
The Horned Sorcerer;
The Devourer;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Kobolds, Hatred
Earth (Caves, Dolmen, Radiation), Evil (Devil, Kyton), Law (Devil, Kyton, Slavery, Tyranny), Scalykind (Dragon, Venom), War (Blood), Trickery (Ambush, Deception, Greed, Thievery)
A Gnome skull
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Holy Days
Veins of Sacrifice


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