Saros Lemmdy Svatson Character in Theras | World Anvil

Saros Lemmdy Svatson

Saros (a.k.a. Lemmdy)

Saros Lemmdy Svatson, also known as Lemmdy, is a Kyth Half-Orc, who accompanied the Truestrikers on their quest in Clochdor to free the curse that held the cursed Agonasi Temple. He is somewhat a atypical Kyth, working only for money, while holding no love for fools. Though he is a fairly strong and calculating hunter, he is very much prone to luxuries that the path offers, such as the company of Women, alcohol and the thrill of battle.   Saros came to Clochdor on the request of his brother, Lurric Schildträger, while working as a monster-slayer, he had many temptations to forcibly retire the Leonin of the group, due to the rashness and impulsivness of the Leonin.   While purifying the temple, Saros was cursed after an act of disrespect was commited against the dead spirit of Saerbhreathach O' Clochdor, having venture back to his witcher bretheren and find a cure with the much wealth he had obtained during his travels.


Date of Birth
23 Gylevail
Year of Birth
1028 AB 23 Years old


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