Leonin Species in Theras | World Anvil


Leonin are an humanoid species of felines that resemble big cats in appearance, most notably lions.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Bayjan leonins are distinct from most other leonin in the sense that they resemble tigers rather than lions. They too possess a muscular body with strong forelimbs and a large head, though they have a considerably longer tail and lack the typical leonin mane, instead having a slightly thicker fur growth aroud the neck and jaw. Their fur coloration varies between shades of orange with a white underside and distinctive vertical black stripes; the patterns of which are unique in each individual. There are two proabable explanation for said stripes: like tigers, they are likely advantageous for camouflage in vegetation such as long grass and aerial roots with strong vertical patterns of light and shade, which are quite common in the jugnles of Bayjan; additionally, they are known to have interbred with Rakshasas, and thus might have inherited their tiger-like appearance. It is believed that both explanations have contributed to this trait, rather than one or the other.
Scientific Name
Felidae Anthropomorphis


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