Astralor Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Astralor is the name of the Astral originated name that came back after a large ritual recalled the Leonin kingdom, Regdefelis back to the Prime.

Natural Resources

Astral Metals: The metals sourced from the Astral Plane are rumored to possess extraordinary properties or that make the products of its, somewhat enhancing intelligence and making the people inside a building, armor or anything much more than they are. The Astral Metal are somewhat more hardened then metal if taken care of carefully by a master smith - otherwise its weaker.


During the wars of the Old Ansko Empire against the many Leonin holding the Anskothanar lands, they managed to find a powerful spell with the aid of the Sehan Elves to banish their kingdom to oblivion. Only later, they discovered that the kingdom was transported to the Astral Plane, where it had diminished.
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